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DevExpress v24.2 Update — Your Feedback Matters

Our What's New in v24.2 webpage includes product-specific surveys. Your response to our survey questions will help us measure product satisfaction for features released in this major update and help us refine our plans for our next major release.

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XRPivotGridStyles Properties

Represents the container of styles which determine the appearance of XRPivotGrid‘s elements.
Name Description
CellStyle Gets or sets a style which is used to print data cells.
CustomTotalCellStyle Gets or sets a style which is used to print custom total cells.
EvenStyle Overrides the XRControlStyles.EvenStyle property to hide it.
FieldHeaderStyle Gets or sets a style which is used to print field headers.
FieldValueGrandTotalStyle Gets or sets a style which is used to print grand total headers.
FieldValueStyle Gets or sets a style which is used to print the values of fields.
FieldValueTotalStyle Gets or sets a style which is used to print the headers of Totals.
FilterSeparatorStyle Gets or sets a style which is used to print the filter header area separator.
GrandTotalCellStyle Gets or sets a style which is used to print Grand Total cells.
HeaderGroupLineStyle Gets or sets a style which is used to print connector lines between field headers combined in a field group.
LinesStyle Gets or sets a style which is used to print the horizontal and vertical lines.
OddStyle Overrides the XRControlStyles.OddStyle property to hide it.
Style Overrides the XRControlStyles.Style property to hide it.
TotalCellStyle Gets or sets a style which is used to print automatic total cells.
See Also