IndicesAttribute(String, String) Constructor
Initializes a new instance of IndicesAttribute, and specifies the properties participating in the creation of two database indices.
Namespace: DevExpress.Xpo
Assembly: DevExpress.Xpo.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Xpo
Name | Type | Description |
index1 | String | A string containing a list of the properties participating in the creation of the first database index, separated by a semicolon. This parameter value is used to initialize the IndicesAttribute.Indices collection. |
index2 | String | A string containing a list of the properties participating in the creation of the second database index, separated by a semicolon. This parameter value is used to initialize the IndicesAttribute.Indices collection. |
To see an example of using the IndicesAttribute, refer to the IndicesAttribute description.
XPO does not support tables with multi-column (compound) keys or indexes in ASE databases. To avoid exceptions when connecting to ASE databases containing these tables, use one-column keys or indexes.