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Data Editors

  • 2 minutes to read

The WPF Data Editors library provides a set of editors and simple controls that can be used in WPF applications. Each editor provides a specific functionality that is required to edit data values of a certain type. In the Visual Studio IDE, all Data Editors and Simple Controls components are available on the DX.24.1.WPF: Common Controls toolbox tab.

WPF Data Editors can be used standalone or as in-place controls nested inside a container.

  • Included Components

    This topic lists all available WPF Data Editors.

  • Getting Started

    A set of tutorials that will allow you to quickly get started with WPF Editors.

  • Visual Elements

    This section lists visual elements that you see on the screen. Each topic contains a description of the element’s purpose and a list of settings that affect its appearance.

  • Examples

    Contains a large variety of task-based examples.


Common Features

Most of the WPF Editors support the following features.

Simple Controls

WPF Data Editors Library includes a number of simple controls including the following.


Data Editors

Various types of data can be processed using the following editors.

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See Also