Customize Themes
In This Article
You can customize themes with the following approaches.
Create a new theme with a custom palette and apply the theme to an application.
The following code sample creates a new custom palette, applies it to the Office2016ColorfulSE theme, and uses the palette in an application:
var custompalette = new ThemePalette("CustomPalette");
custompalette.SetColor("Foreground", (Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString("#FFFF7200"));
custompalette.SetColor("Backstage.Focused", Colors.White);
var customtheme = Theme.CreateTheme(custompalette, Theme.Office2016ColorfulSE);
ApplicationThemeHelper.ApplicationThemeName = customtheme.Name;
You can use this approach only for the Palette Themes.
#WPF Theme Designer
The WPF Theme Designer is a standalone tool that allows you to modify and create new themes based on built-in DevExpress WPF Application Themes. You can customize a theme in the following ways:
Create a new theme assembly and use it in an application (see Get Started with the WPF Theme Designer).
Export the current Palette Theme‘s palette to a .cs file and use the created class in an application.
See Also