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GridColumn Members

In This Article
An abstract class that serves as the base class for grid columns.


Name Description
AllowAutoFilterProperty static Identifies the AllowAutoFilter dependency property.
AllowSortProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.AllowSort bindable property.
AutoFilterConditionProperty static Identifies the AutoFilterCondition dependency property.
AutoFilterValueProperty static Identifies the AutoFilterValue dependency property.
BackgroundColorProperty static Identifies the BackgroundColor dependency property.
CaptionProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.Caption bindable property.
ColumnProperty static Identifies the Column dependency property.
ColumnSpanProperty static Identifies the ColumnSpan dependency property.
DisplayFormatProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.DisplayFormat bindable property.
EditFormCaptionProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.EditFormCaption bindable property.
FieldNameProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.FieldName bindable property.
FilterModeProperty static Identifies the FilterMode dependency property.
FixedStyleProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.FixedStyle bindable property.
GroupCaptionDisplayFormatProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.GroupCaptionDisplayFormat bindable property.
GroupCaptionTemplateProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.GroupCaptionTemplate bindable property.
GroupIntervalProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.GroupInterval bindable property.
HeaderBackgroundColorProperty static Identifies the HeaderBackgroundColor dependency property.
HeaderCaptionLineBreakModeProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.HeaderCaptionLineBreakMode bindable property.
HeaderContentTemplateProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.HeaderContentTemplate bindable property.
HeaderFontAttributesProperty static Identifies the HeaderFontAttributes dependency property.
HeaderFontColorProperty static Identifies the HeaderFontColor dependency property.
HeaderFontFamilyProperty static Identifies the HeaderFontFamily dependency property.
HeaderFontSizeProperty static Identifies the HeaderFontSize dependency property.
HeaderPaddingProperty static Identifies the HeaderPadding dependency property.
HeaderTextDecorationsProperty static Identifies the HeaderTextDecorations dependency property.
HorizontalContentAlignmentProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.HorizontalContentAlignment bindable property.
ImmediateUpdateAutoFilterProperty static Identifies the ImmediateUpdateAutoFilter dependency property.
IsGroupedProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.IsGrouped bindable property.
IsReadOnlyProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.IsReadOnly bindable property.
IsVisibleProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.IsVisible bindable property.
MaxWidthProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.MaxWidth bindable property.
MinWidthProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.MinWidth bindable property.
PaddingProperty static Identifies the Padding dependency property.
RowProperty static
RowSpanProperty static Identifies the RowSpan dependency property.
ShowFilterIconProperty static Identifies the ShowFilterIcon dependency property.
SortIndexProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.SortIndex bindable property.
SortModeProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.SortMode bindable property.
SortOrderProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.SortOrder bindable property.
TotalSummaryTemplateProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.TotalSummaryTemplate bindable property.
UnboundExpressionProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.UnboundExpression bindable property.
UnboundTypeProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.UnboundType bindable property.
VerticalContentAlignmentProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.VerticalContentAlignment bindable property.
WidthProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.Width bindable property.


Name Description
ActualCaption Gets the column caption as it is displayed in a column header.
AllowAutoFilter Gets or sets whether users can enter a value in the Auto Filter Row.
AllowSort Specifies whether end users can sort data by the column.
AutoFilterCondition Gets or sets the filter condition (equals, contains, etc.) used to compare the value in the Auto-Filter Row with column values.
AutoFilterValue Gets or sets the value of the cell in the Auto Filter Row.
BackgroundColor Specifies the background color of the column’s cells.
Caption Gets or sets the caption displayed in the column header.
Column Specifies in which column of the grid’s multi-row layout (AdvancedColumnLayout) the column’s cells are located.
ColumnSpan Allows you to stretch the column’s cells across multiple columns within the grid’s multi-row layout (AdvancedColumnLayout).
DisplayFormat Gets or sets the pattern used to format cell values of the column.
EditFormCaption Specifies the caption of the editor associated with the current column in the edit form.
FieldName Gets or sets the name of the data source’s field associated with the grid column, or serves as an identifier for unbound columns.
FilterMode Gets or sets whether filters are applied to the actual cell values or to the text displayed in cells.
FixedStyle Gets or sets whether a column is fixed.
GroupCaptionDisplayFormat Gets or sets the pattern used to construct group row captions.
GroupCaptionTemplate Gets or sets the template that defines the visual representation of a group row caption.
GroupInterval Gets or sets how data rows are combined into groups.
HeaderCaptionLineBreakMode Specifies how to handle the caption text if it cannot fit on one line.
HeaderContentTemplate Gets or sets the template that defines the visual representation of the column header.
HorizontalContentAlignment Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the column’s content.
ImmediateUpdateAutoFilter Gets or sets whether to filter data each time a value in the Auto Filter Row is changed or only when a cell in the Auto Filter Row loses focus.
IsGrouped Gets or sets whether the grid’s data is grouped by the current column.
IsReadOnly Gets or sets whether users are allowed to change cell values in the column.
IsUnbound Gets whether the column is unbound.
IsVisible Gets or sets whether the column is visible in the grid.
MaxWidth Gets or sets the column’s maximum width.
MinWidth Gets or sets the column’s minimum width.
Padding Specifies the distance between values and borders in the column’s cells.
Row Specifies in which row of the grid’s multi-row layout the column’s cells are located.
RowSpan Allows you to stretch the column’s cells across multiple rows within the grid’s multi-row layout (AdvancedColumnLayout).
ShowFilterIcon Gets or sets whether to show the filter icon in the Auto Filter Row‘s cell.
SortIndex Gets or sets the column’s position among sorted columns.
SortMode Specifies whether the grid should sort or group data by column values or display text.
SortOrder Gets or sets the column’s sort order.
TotalSummaryTemplate Gets or sets the template that defines the visual representation of the column’s total summary.
UnboundExpression Gets or sets an expression used to calculate values for the unbound column.
UnboundType Gets or sets whether the column is unbound, and the type of data the unbound column stores.
VerticalContentAlignment Gets or sets the vertical alignment of the column’s content.
Width Gets or sets the column’s width.
See Also