DevExpress.XamarinForms.Scheduler Namespace
In This Article
Contains classes that implement the scheduler functionality.
Assembly: DevExpress.XamarinForms.Scheduler.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.XamarinForms.Scheduler
Name | Description |
All |
The storage for All day area cells’ appearance settings. |
All |
The storage for appearance settings values of an individual all-day area cell‘s representation. |
Appointment |
Appointment |
The page that allows users to add new appointments and edit existing appointments. |
Appointment |
Appointment |
The storage of data about an appointment with which a user interacts. |
Appointment |
The planned event a scheduler view displays. |
Appointment |
The collection of Appointment |
Appointment |
An appointment label. |
Appointment |
The collection of Appointment |
Appointment |
The storage of mappings that specify data objects’ properties that provide values for Appointment |
Appointment |
The storage of mappings that specify data objects’ properties that provide values for Appointment |
Appointment |
An appointment‘s status. |
Appointment |
The collection of Appointment |
Appointment |
The storage of mappings that specify data objects’ properties that provide values for Appointment |
Appointment |
The storage of appointment item appearance settings. |
Appointment |
The storage for appearance settings values of an individual appointment item‘s representation. |
Cell |
The base class for all styles that configure a View cell’s appearance. |
Cell |
The base class for all view models that provide data for different types of cells. |
Color |
Color |
Color |
Create |
The storage of data for the Data |
Custom |
The mapping that transforms a source object’s property to a scheduler item’s custom field. |
Daily |
Data |
An object that specifies data sources and mappings for the scheduler’s appointments, labels and statuses. |
Day |
The view that displays appointments for a specific day or several days. |
Day |
The base class for all Day-based Views. |
Day |
The storage for the day view cell appearance settings. |
Day |
The storage for appearance settings values of an individual day view cell‘s representation. |
Day |
The storage for the Day-based View’s date header appearance settings. |
Day |
The storage for appearance settings values of an individual Day View header item‘s representation. |
DXObservable |
Edit |
Enum |
Expando |
Represents an object that stores additional properties. |
Header |
The base class for all date headers of the Scheduler’s views. |
Header |
The base class for all view models that provide data for different date headers. |
Initializer static | Contains the Init method that initializes the DevExpress Scheduler component. |
Interval |
The storage of data about time interval a user taps. |
Item |
The storage of data for the Scheduler |
Items |
The storage of data for the Scheduler |
Item |
The base class for all styles that configure the appearance of the Scheduler’s visual elements. |
Item |
The base class for all view models that store data for the Scheduler’s visual elements. |
Mapping | The property mapping that specifies source object’s property that provides data to a scheduler item’s property. |
Mapping |
A type converter that converts string instances from and to Mapping instances. |
Mapping |
Implements a XAML markup extension in order to create a Mapping object. |
Mappings |
The base class for all scheduler item mappings the scheduler data source uses. |
Monthly |
Monthly |
Monthly |
Monthly |
Month |
The View that displays all appointments for a month. |
Month |
The storage for month view cell appearance settings. |
Month |
The storage for appearance settings values of an individual month view cell‘s representation. |
Month |
The storage for the Month View’s header items appearance settings. |
Month |
The storage for appearance settings values of an individual month view header item‘s representation. |
Never |
Occurrence |
The calculator that allows you to compute parameters of a specific occurrence in an occurrence chain. |
Recurrence |
Recurrence |
Recurrence |
Recurrence |
The storage for the pattern appointment‘s recurrence information. |
Recurrence |
Reminder |
Reminder |
Reminder |
Reminder |
Reminder |
Scheduler |
Holds data for a scheduler view. |
Scheduler |
The storage of data for the View |
Scheduler |
Scheduler |
Scheduler |
Provides extra data for mapping converters when the scheduler transforms source objects to scheduler items and vise versa. |
Scheduler |
Source |
The base class for all scheduler items. |
Text |
The storage of text appearance settings. |
Time |
The storage of time indicator’s appearance settings. |
Time |
The storage for Day-based View’s time ruler cell appearance settings. |
Time |
The storage for appearance settings values of an individual time ruler cell‘s representation. |
Time |
The storage for the Day-based View’s time ruler header appearance settings. |
Time |
The storage for appearance settings values of an individual time ruler header‘s representation. |
Time |
Time |
Time |
Time |
Triggered |
View |
The base class for all scheduler views. |
Week |
Week |
Weekly |
Week |
The view that displays all appointments for a specific week. |
Work |
The View that displays appointments scheduled for a specific work week. |
Yearly |
Yearly |
Yearly |
Yearly |
Name | Description |
IAll |
The interface that should implement a class that modifies appearance settings of individual all-day area cells. |
IAppointment |
The interface that should implement a class that modifies appearance settings of individual appointments. |
IDay |
The interface that should implement a class that modifies appearance settings of individual Day View cells. |
IDay |
The interface that should implement a class that modifies appearance settings of individual Day View header items. |
IDialog |
IMonth |
The interface that should implement a class that modifies appearance settings of individual Month View cells. |
IMonth |
The interface that should implement a class that modifies appearance settings of individual Month View header items. |
IRecurrence |
The interface of the recurrence information that defines occurrence chain (how often and how long occurrences happen). |
ITime |
The interface that should implement a class that modifies appearance settings of individual time ruler cell. |
Name | Description |
Date |
The date-time range. |
Time |
The time span range. |
Name | Description |
Create |
A method that can handle the Data |
Item |
A method that can handle the Scheduler |
Items |
A method that can handle the Scheduler |
Scheduler |
A method that can handle the View |
Name | Description |
Appointment |
Lists types of appointment items. |
Color |
Lists color representation formats the Scheduler View supports. |
Daily |
Date |
Lists values that specifies how the data source stores the start and end values of appointments. |
Item |
Lists types of scheduler items that provide data to the Scheduler View. |
Mapping |
Lists value that specifies on which conversion stage the mapping uses Converter. |
Monthly |
Month |
Recurrence |
Lists the types of recurrence range. |
Recurrence |
Lists the types of recurrent appointments. |
Refresh |
Lists types of data that a scheduler view can request to refresh from its data source. |
Scheduler |
Snap |
Lists values that manages when the Day-based views snaps appointments to cells. |
Week |
Lists days and groups of days for recurrence patterns. |
Week |
Lists values that specify the week in a month. |
Xml |
Yearly |