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Localization in DevExpress PDF Viewer for .NET MAUI

DevExpress PDF Viewer for .NET MAUI allows you to localize UI elements. You can translate text lines displayed as button captions, menu items, error messages, and titles. Refer to the following help topic for more information: Localization.

The table below shows localization keys and their default values:

Localization key Default value
MessageSearchFinished Finished searching throughout the document. No more matches were found.
MessageSearchFinishedNoMatchesFound Finished searching throughout the document. No matches were found.
MessageErrorTitle Error
MessageLoadingError Unable to load the PDF document because the following file is not available or it is not a valid PDF document.
PageCounter_GoToPage Go to page
PasswordRequest_ProtectedPDF Protected PDF file
PasswordRequest_EnterPassword Enter the password to open this document:
PasswordRequest_Placeholder Password
Button_Apply Apply
Button_Cancel Cancel
Button_Open Open
Button_Clear Clear
Button_Save Save
Button_OK OK
Button_Add Add
HighlightAnnotationSubject Highlight
UnderlineAnnotationSubject Underline
SquiggleAnnotationSubject Squiggle
StrikethroughAnnotationSubject Strikethrough
FreeTextAnnotationSubject Text
CircleAnnotationSubject Circle
SquareAnnotationSubject Square
InkAnnotationSubject Drawing
StickyAnnotationSubject Sticky Note
AnnotationAuthor Guest
AddStickyNoteHint Tap the page to add a comment
AddFreeTextHint Draw a rectangle on the page to add text
AddComment New Comment
AddReply Add Reply
NewComment New Comment
AnnotationsPageTitle Annotations
Signatures Signatures
NewSignaturePageTitle New Signature
NewSignaturePlaceholder Sign Here
NoSignaturesFound No signatures found. Tap Add to create a signature.