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Swipe Gestures in Tree View for .NET MAUI

The DXTreeView control can perform custom actions when a user swipes a node from left to right or from right to left.

DevExpress Tree View for .NET MAUI - Swipe Items

To implement this functionality, set the DXTreeView.ItemTemplate property to a data template that contains a TreeNodeView control.

Use StartSwipeItems and EndSwipeItems properties to specify which items are available when users swipe nodes. To configure full-swipe actions, set the FullSwipeMode to one of the following values:

  • None — a full swipe is disabled.
  • Start — a full swipe across the node from left to right runs the first action from the StartSwipeItems collection.
  • End — a full swipe across the row from right to left runs the last action from the EndSwipeItems collection.
  • Both — full swipe operations are available in both directions (see Start and End values).

To specify swipe item content, use properties available in the TreeNodeSwipeItem class.

The following code snippet deletes a node after a user swipes it from right to left:

<ContentPage ...
    <dx:DXTreeView x:Name="treeView" ItemsSource="{Binding Nodes}">
                        BackgroundColor="{dx:ThemeColor Error}"
                        TextColor="{dx:ThemeColor OnError}"
                        IconColor="Bold{dx:ThemeColor OnError}"
                        Command="{Binding TreeView.BindingContext.DeleteCommand}"/>