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Checkboxes in Tree View for .NET MAUI

  • 3 minutes to read

You can use checkboxes to select one or multiple nodes. The following code snippet displays and configures node checkboxes within the DXTreeView control:

DevExpress Tree View for .NET MAUI - Checkboxes

Use the following API to configure checkboxes:

Gets or sets whether to display node check boxes. This is a bindable property.
Gets or sets the checkbox position. This is a bindable property.
Gets or sets which elements can trigger a check state change. This is a bindable property.
Gets or sets whether to check nodes recursively. This is a bindable property.
Gets or sets whether to highlight checked nodes. This is a bindable property.
Gets or sets the duration of the animation that shows/hides node checkboxes. This is a bindable property.
Gets or sets the animation effect that shows/hides node checkboxes. This is a bindable property.
Gets or sets the name of the data object’s property to which the tree node checkbox is bound. This is a bindable property.
Gets or sets the collection of checked nodes. This is a bindable property.
Gets or sets a converter that specifies a tree node checkbox value. This is a bindable property.

#Checkbox Selection

Tree View checkboxes support Independent and Recursive selection.

#Recursive Selection

If you want to select checkboxes recursively, enable the CheckBoxRecursiveChecking property:

DevExpress TreeView for .NET MAUI - Recursive Selection

  • When you check/uncheck a parent node, its children become checked/unchecked.

  • When you check/uncheck all child nodes, its parent becomes checked/unchecked.

  • When you check/uncheck a child node, but not all children are checked/unchecked, the parent node goes to the indeterminate state.

The following code snippet enables recursive checkbox selection:

#Independent Selection

To select each checkbox independently, set the CheckBoxRecursiveChecking property to False.

DevExpress TreeView for .NET MAUI - Recursive Selection

The following code snippet enables independent checkbox selection:

#Highlight Checked Nodes

If you want to highlight checked nodes, set the HighlightCheckedNodes property to true.

DevExpress TreeView for .NET MAUI - Highlight Checked Nodes

The following code snippet highlights checked nodes:

<dx:DXTreeView ...

#Show and Hide Checkboxes

You can show checkboxes with animation effects when the ShowCheckBoxes property is set to true an runtime.

DevExpress TreeView for .NET MAUI - Checkbox Animation

To enable the animation, set the CheckBoxExpandAnimationMode property to one of the following values:

  • FromStartToEnd — the animation effect reveals the element from start to end.
  • FromEndToStart — the animation effect reveals the element from end to start.
  • FromCenter — the animation effect reveals the element from center.
  • None — shows/hides checkboxes without animation effects.

Use the CheckBoxExpandAnimationDuration property to specify the animation duration for checkbox visibility changes.

#Check and Uncheck Nodes at Runtime

The DXTreeView exposes an API that allows you to check/uncheck nodes at runtime:

Checks all nodes.
Unchecks all nodes.
Gets or sets whether the node is checked. This is a bindable property.

#Respond to User Actions when Checking and Unchecking Checkboxes

The CheckBoxStateChanged event allows you to perform a custom action after a user changed the checkbox state.

<dx:DXTreeView ...
void OnTreeNodeCheckBoxStateChanged(object sender, TreeNodeCheckBoxStateChangedEventArgs e) {
    var vm = (FirstLookPageViewModel)BindingContext;
    if (e.OldState == true)
    if(e.NewState == true)

#Change Checkbox Appearance

The DXTreeView control allows you to change checkbox appearance. For more information, refer to the following help topic: Change Checkbox Appearance.