- 2 minutes to read
This topic describes how to specify radial gauge scale options, and create a multi-scale gauge.
#Specify Scale Layout
The position of a scale depends on the following properties:
- StartAngle
The clockwise rotation angle that defines the scale start position, in degrees. The following image shows a gauge with different starting angles (the sweep angle is 240 degrees).
- SweepAngle
Specifies the sweep angle of a scale, clockwise in degrees. The following image shows a gauge with different sweep angles (the starting angle is 0):
The following figure shows how StartAngle
and SweepAngle
affect the scale:
<dx:RadialScale StartAngle="135"
#Specify Scale Display Values
RadialScale.StartValue and RadialScale.EndValue properties allow to set the minimum and maximum scale values to constrain display values on the scale:
<dx:RadialScale StartValue="-50"
The scale step depends on the number of tickmarks. For instructions on how to specify the number of tickmarks, refer to the following section: Add Tickmarks and Configure Their Appearance
#Create a Gauge with Multiple Scales
Add multiple scales to a RadialGauge
to create a composite gauge. The gauge shows the first added scale on the outside. To change the gap between scales, specify the inner scale’s Offset property.
<dx:RadialScale StartValue="0" EndValue="180"
StartAngle="-180" SweepAngle="180"
ShowLastTickmark="True" ShowTickmarkLabels="True"
MajorTickmarkCount="7" MinorTickmarkCount="2"
TickmarkLabelPosition="Outside" TickmarkLabelFormat="f0">
<dx:MarkerIndicator Value="45"/>
<dx:RadialScale StartValue="0" EndValue="60"
MajorTickmarkCount="7" ShowTickmarkLabels="True"
TickmarkLabelPosition="Inside" TickmarkLabelFormat="f0"
<dx:NeedleIndicator Value="40"/>
#Custom Draw Scales
You can handle the RadialScale.CustomDraw event to draw a scale based on a predefined type.
#Next Steps
- Visual Indicators
- Learn how to add different indicators to a gauge scale: markers, needles and ranges.
- Tickmarks
- Learn how to show major and minor tickmarks with text labels on a scale.