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Providing Data

  • 4 minutes to read

The Dashboard Designer allows you to bind dashboard items to data in a uniform and similar manner. See the Bind Dashboard Items to Data topic for common information.

The difference is in the data sections that the specific dashboard item has. This topic describes how to bind the Choropleth Map dashboard item to data in the Designer or in code.

#Binding to Data in the Designer

The image below shows a sample Choropleth Map dashboard item that is bound to data.


To bind the Choropleth Map dashboard item to data, drag and drop a data source field to a placeholder contained in one of the available data sections. The Choropleth Map provides two data item groups for data binding: DATA ITEMS and TOOLTIP DATA ITEMS. Tables below list the available data sections.

#Data Items


Processed as




Allows you to associate map shapes with data source field values.

To associate map shapes with data source field values, drag-and-drop the required dimension to the data item’s placeholder and select the required attribute in the Map Attribute Binding dialog. To invoke this dialog, click the Options button (the ChoroplethMap_MapAttributeBindingIcon icon) next to the Attribute placeholder.


Select the required attribute and click OK.



Contains data items whose values are used to color map shapes. Map shape colors vary based on the map type.

Click the Options button (the Grid_ColumnTypeIndicators_MeasureColumn or Grid_ColumnTypeIndicators_DeltaColumn icon depending on the map type) next to the Value placeholder and select the required map type in the invoked Choropleth Map Options dialog.


  • If you select Value, the Choropleth map colors map shapes depending on the values provided. To learn more, see Map Coloring.
  • If you select Delta, the Choropleth map colors map shapes depending on the difference between two values. To learn how to specify delta indication settings, see Delta.


You can fill several data item containers in the Maps section and use the Values drop-down menu to switch between the provided values. To invoke the Values menu, click the DashboardItems_OtherElements icon in the dashboard item caption.

#Tooltip Data Items


Processed as




Allows you to add supplementary content to the tooltips. Drag and drop the required measures to provide additional data.


#Binding to Data in Code

To provide data for the Choropleth Map dashboard item, do the following.

  1. Provide the required map. Use the MapDashboardItem.Area property to specify the built-in map or specify the existing shapefile using the MapDashboardItem.CustomShapefile property.
  2. Specify the binding between the required map attribute and the data source field. Use the ChoroplethMapDashboardItem.AttributeName property to specify the name of the required attribute. Specify the corresponding dimension using the ChoroplethMapDashboardItem.AttributeDimension property.
  3. Specify the measure or set of measures that will be used to color map shapes.

  4. Optionally, provide tooltip values using the MapDashboardItem.TooltipMeasures property.


The following code snippet demonstrates how to bind a Choropleth Map dashboard item to data in code.

using System.Windows.Forms;
using DevExpress.DashboardCommon;
using DevExpress.DataAccess.ConnectionParameters;
using DevExpress.DataAccess.Sql;

namespace Dashboard_CreateChoroplethMap {
    public partial class Form1 : DevExpress.XtraEditors.XtraForm
        public Form1() {

            Dashboard dashboard = new Dashboard();

            DashboardSqlDataSource dataSource = new DashboardSqlDataSource();
            CustomSqlQuery sqlQuery = new CustomSqlQuery("Countries", "select * from Countries");
            dataSource.ConnectionParameters = new Access97ConnectionParameters(@"..\..\Data\countriesDB.mdb", "", "");

            ChoroplethMapDashboardItem choroplethMap = new ChoroplethMapDashboardItem();
            choroplethMap.DataSource = dataSource;
            choroplethMap.DataMember = "Countries";

            choroplethMap.Area = ShapefileArea.WorldCountries;

            choroplethMap.AttributeName = "NAME";
            choroplethMap.AttributeDimension = new Dimension("Country");

            ValueMap populationMap = new ValueMap(new Measure("Population"));

            dashboardViewer1.Dashboard = dashboard;
See Also