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Data Processing Modes

  • 4 minutes to read

The Web Dashboard Control has two data processing modes for operations that involve data aggregation and filtering.

  • Server mode. Data-related operations are performed on the server side. When a user applies a filter to a dashboard item or groups data, the ASPxDashboard control composes a SELECT statement with the specific WHERE or GROUP BY clauses and sends it to the server.
  • Client mode. Data-related operations are performed on the web server side. The ASPxDashboard control loads a compressed snapshot of aggregated data to the web server memory. Data compression, data grouping, and multi-threading algorithms reduce memory consumption and improve the performance of the data shaping operation.

If a data source uses the Server data processing mode, ASPxDashboard requests the data automatically by sending a proper SQL SELECT query.

If the data source operates in Client data processing mode, ASPxDashboard creates a server-side in-memory cache that stores data from the data source. The cache accelerates client-side actions that require data updates (master filtering and others).

#Set the Data Processing Mode

Whether you can change the data processing mode, depends on the data source type.

The IsServerModeSupported property for all data source types allows you to determine whether the current data source supports server-side data processing. Different data source types allow you to manage the current data processing mode in different ways.

For all data source types, you can use the IDashboardDataSource.IsServerModeSupported property to determine whether the current data source supports server-side data processing.

#Server Mode Limitations

#SQL Data Sources

In server mode, the Dashboard does not have simultaneous access to bound data in its entirety. This results in the following limitations:

  • Stored procedures are not supported in server mode.
  • Stored procedures executed using custom SQL are not supported in server mode.
  • Some calculated fields cannot be evaluated in server mode.
  • The Count Distinct summary function is not supported for the following database engines:

    • Microsoft Access
    • Microsoft SQL Server CE
  • The Median summary function is supported for the Oracle data provider only.
  • The Mode summary function is supported for the Oracle and PostgreSQL data providers only.
  • The Bound Image and Grid dashboard items can display images only from the following types of databases:

    • Microsoft SQL Server
    • MySQL
    • PostgreSQL

#Entity Framework Data Sources

Refer to the Entity Framework 4.0+ Server Mode Specifics topic for information on Entity Framework Server Mode limitations.

See Also