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Visual Elements

  • 2 minutes to read

The topics in this section describe the interface elements offered to you by CodeRush Classic. Each topic contains a screenshot that outlines the described element, a brief overview of the element’s purpose whose actions can be performed with their help, along with the shortcuts that can be used for these operations.

#CodeRush Classic Context Menu

CodeRush Classic context menu lists refactorings, navigation providers and code providers available for the current caret position.


The visual elements in this section are specially designed tool tips that give you information on the actions that have just been performed or are about to be performed.

#Action Elements

This section includes the description of interactive elements used for navigation, flow break evaluation, color selection, etc.

#Helper Windows

This section describes the helper windows that CodeRush Classic offers you.


This product is designed for outdated versions of Visual Studio. Although Visual Studio 2015 is supported, consider using the CodeRush extension with Visual Studio 2015 or higher.