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Backend Web API Service / REST API

  • 2 minutes to read

DevExpress .NET App Security & Web API Service allows you to add role-based access control, permission management, and CRUD operations to your next Blazor project. If you work in Visual Studio 2022+ for Windows, the Solution Wizard allows you to speed up the application creation process.

Web API Service

Read Tutorial: Create a Standalone Web API Application

Watch Video: A 1-Click Solution for CRUD Web API with Role-based Access Control via EF Core & ASP.NET

The wizard scaffolds a Web API Service with CRUD operations powered by your ORM library of choice: EF Core or DevExpress XPO. You application’s authentication mechanism can leverage built-in support for OAuth2, JWT, and OpenID. You can also implement a custom authentication strategy.

Basic functionality of our Web API Service is available for free. To use this Solution Wizard (which creates the Web API Service) run the Universal Component Installer from the DevExpress Download Manager. Additional features listed below are available as part of the DevExpress Universal Subscription:

  • Audit trail, endpoints to download reports, file attachments, data validation
  • Localization endpoints to obtain localized captions for UI elements
  • Technical support and full source code

Refer to the following GitHub examples for more information: