BootstrapClientComboBox Events
Represents a client-side equivalent of the BootstrapComboBox control.Name | Description |
BeginCallback | Occurs when a callback for server-side processing is initiated. Inherited from ASPxClientComboBox. |
ButtonClick | Occurs on the client side after an editor button is clicked. Inherited from ASPxClientButtonEditBase. |
CallbackError | Fires on the client if any server error occurs during server-side processing of a callback sent by the ASPxClientComboBox. Inherited from ASPxClientComboBox. |
CloseUp | Occurs on the client side when the drop down window is closed. Inherited from ASPxClientDropDownEditBase. |
CustomHighlighting | Enables you to highlight the filtered items. Inherited from ASPxClientComboBox. |
DropDown | Occurs on the client-side when the drop down window is opened by the dropdown button click. Inherited from ASPxClientDropDownEditBase. |
EndCallback | Occurs on the client side after a callback’s server-side processing has been completed. Inherited from ASPxClientComboBox. |
GotFocus | Fires on the client side when the editor receives input focus. Inherited from ASPxClientEdit. |
Init | Occurs on the client side after the control has been initialized. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase. |
ItemFiltering | Fires before the filtering is executed. Inherited from ASPxClientComboBox. |
KeyDown | Occurs on the client-side when an end-user presses a key while the editor has focus. Inherited from ASPxClientTextEdit. |
KeyPress | Occurs on the client-side when an end-user presses and releases a key while the editor has focus. Inherited from ASPxClientTextEdit. |
KeyUp | Occurs on the client-side when an end-user releases a pressed key while the editor has focus. Inherited from ASPxClientTextEdit. |
LostFocus | Fires on the client side when the editor loses input focus. Inherited from ASPxClientEdit. |
QueryCloseUp | Occurs on the client side before the drop down window is closed and allows you to cancel the operation. Inherited from ASPxClientDropDownEditBase. |
SelectedIndexChanged | Fires when the user changes the selection. Inherited from ASPxClientComboBox. |
TextChanged | Fires when the control accepts the new text value entered by a user. Inherited from ASPxClientTextEdit. |
UserInput | Fires on the client each time a user changes an editor’s input value. Inherited from ASPxClientTextEdit. |
Validation | Allows you to specify whether the value entered into the editor is valid, and whether the editor is allowed to lose focus. Inherited from ASPxClientEdit. |
ValueChanged | Fires when the control accepts the new value entered by a user. Inherited from ASPxClientEdit. |
See Also