ASPxClientGantt Members
A client-side equivalent of the ASPxGantt control.Properties
Name | Description |
name | Gets the unique, hierarchically-qualified identifier for the control. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase. |
Name | Description |
AdjustControl | Modifies the control’s size against the control’s container. Inherited from ASPxClientControl. |
AdjustControls static | Modifies the controls size within the specified container. Inherited from ASPxClientControl. |
AssignResourceToTask(resourceKey, taskKey) | Assigns a resource to a task. |
Cast(obj) static | Converts the specified object to the current object’s type. Inherited from ASPxClientControl. |
CollapseAll | Collapses all tasks. |
CollapseTask(key) | Collapses the specified parent task. |
DeleteDependency(key) | Deletes a dependency. |
DeleteResource(key) | Deletes a resource. |
DeleteTask(key) | Deletes a task. |
ExpandAll | Expands all tasks. |
ExpandTask(key) | Expands the specified task. |
ExportToPdf(options) | Exports Gantt chart data to a PDF document. |
GetClientVisible | Obsolete. Returns a value specifying whether a control is displayed. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase. |
GetControlCollection static | Returns a collection of client web control objects. Inherited from ASPxClientControl. |
GetDependencyData(key) | Gets the dependency data. |
GetFocusedTaskKey | Gets the focused task’s key. |
GetHeight | Returns the control’s height. Inherited from ASPxClientControl. |
GetMainElement | Returns an HTML element that is the root of the control’s hierarchy. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase. |
GetParentControl | Returns a client instance of the control that is the parent for a specified control. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase. |
GetResourceAssignmentData(key) | Gets the resource assignment data. |
GetResourceData(key) | Gets the resource data. |
GetTaskData(key) | Gets the task data. |
GetTaskResources(key) | Gets resources assigned to a task. |
GetVisible | Returns a value specifying whether a control is displayed. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase. |
GetVisibleDependencyKeys | Gets the keys of the visible dependencies. |
GetVisibleResourceAssignmentKeys | Gets the keys of the visible resource assignments. |
GetVisibleResourceKeys | Gets the keys of the visible resources. |
GetVisibleTaskKeys | Gets the keys of the visible tasks. |
GetWidth | Returns the control’s width. Inherited from ASPxClientControl. |
InCallback | Returns a value that determines whether a callback request sent by a web control is being currently processed on the server side. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase. |
InsertDependency(data) | Inserts a new dependency. |
InsertResource(data, taskKeys) | Inserts a new resource. |
InsertTask(data) | Inserts a new task. |
PerformCallback(args) | Sends a callback to the server and raises the server-side CustomCallback event. |
Refresh | Reloads data from the data source and redraws the Gantt layout. |
ScrollToDate(date) | Scrolls the Gantt chart to the specified date. |
SendMessageToAssistiveTechnology(message) | Specifies the text that Assistive Technologies (screen readers or braille display, for example) will provide to a user. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase. |
SetClientVisible(visible) | Obsolete. Specifies whether a control is displayed. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase. |
SetEndDateRange(endDate) | Sets the end date of the date interval in the Gantt chart. |
SetFocusedTaskKey(key) | Sets the focused task. |
SetHeight(height) |
Specifies the control’s height. Note that this method is not in effect for some controls. Inherited from ASPxClientControl. |
SetStartDateRange(startDate) | Sets the start date of the date interval in the Gantt chart. |
SetTaskTitlePosition(position) | Sets the task’s title position. |
SetViewType(viewType) | Specifies the view type. |
SetVisible(visible) | Specifies whether a control is displayed. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase. |
SetWidth(width) | Specifies the control’s width in pixels. Inherited from ASPxClientControl. |
ShowDependencies(value) | Shows or hides task dependencies. |
ShowResourceManagerDialog | Invokes the Resource Manager dialog. |
ShowResources(value) | Specifies whether the resources are visible in the Gantt. |
ShowTaskDetailsDialog(taskKey) | Invokes the Task Details dialog. |
UnassignAllResourcesFromTask(taskKey) | Unassigns resources from a task. |
UnassignResourceFromTask(resourceKey, taskKey) | Removes a resource from the task. |
UpdateTask(key, data) | Updates the task data. |
ZoomIn | Zooms in the Gantt chart. |
ZoomOut | Zooms out the Gantt chart. |
Name | Description |
BeginCallback | Occurs when a callback for server-side processing is initiated. |
CallbackError | Fires on the client if any server error occurs during server-side processing of a callback sent by the ASPxClientGantt. |
ContextMenu | Occurs when a user right-clicks a task or dependency to open the context menu. |
ContextMenuCustomization | Occurs before the built-in context menu is rendered. |
CustomCommand | Enables you to implement a custom command’s logic. |
DependencyDeleted | Occurs after a user deleted a dependency. |
DependencyDeleting | Occurs before a user deletes a dependency. |
DependencyInserted | Occurs after a user inserted a dependency. |
DependencyInserting | Occurs before a user inserts a dependency. |
EndCallback | Occurs on the client side after a callback’s server-side processing has been completed. |
EndCellEditing | Occurs before a user finishes editing a cell. |
FocusedTaskChanged | Occurs after a task is focused. |
FocusedTaskChanging | Occurs before a task is focused. |
Init | Occurs on the client side after the control has been initialized. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase. |
ProgressTooltipShowing | Occurs before the Gantt displays the tooltip when users changes the task’s progress in the UI. |
ResourceAssigned | Occurs after a user assigned a resource to a task. |
ResourceAssigning | Occurs before a user assigns a resource to a task. |
ResourceDeleted | Occurs after a user deleted a resource. |
ResourceDeleting | Occurs before a user deletes a resource. |
ResourceInserted | Occurs after a user inserted a new resource. |
ResourceInserting | Occurs before a user inserts a new resource. |
ResourceManagerDialogShowing | Occurs before the Resource Manager dialog is shown. |
ResourceUnassigned | Occurs after a user removed a resource from a task. |
ResourceUnassigning | Occurs before a user removes a resource from a task. |
ScaleCellPrepared | Occurs after a scale cell is prepared. |
StartCellEditing | Occurs before a user starts to edit a cell. |
TaskClick | Occurs when a user clicks a task. |
TaskDblClick | Occurs when a user double-clicks a task. |
TaskDeleted | Occurs after a user deleted a task. |
TaskDeleting | Occurs before a user deletes a task. |
TaskEditDialogShowing | Occurs before the edit dialog is shown. |
TaskInserted | Occurs after a user inserted a task. |
TaskInserting | Occurs before a user inserts a task. |
TaskMoving | Occurs before a user moves a task. |
TaskShowing | Occurs before a task is displayed. |
TaskUpdated | Occurs after a user updated a task. |
TaskUpdating | Occurs before a user updates a task. |
TimeTooltipShowing | Occurs before the Gantt displays the tooltip when users resizes or moves the task in the UI. |
TooltipShowing | Occurs before a tooltip is displayed. |
See Also