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ASPxClientGantt.CustomCommand Event

Enables you to implement a custom command’s logic.


CustomCommand: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientGanttCustomCommandEventHandler<ASPxClientGantt>>

#Event Data

The CustomCommand event's data class is ASPxClientGanttCustomCommandEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
commandName Specifies the command name for a custom toolbar item.
parameter Gets an optional parameter that complements the processed command.


You can use the CustomCommand event to handle clicks on custom toolbar and context menu items.

Web Forms:

<dx:ASPxGantt ID="Gantt" ClientInstanceName="clientGantt" >
            <dx:GanttCustomToolbarItem Checked="True" Text="Show Resources" CommandName="Toggle" />
    <ClientSideEvents CustomCommand="function(s, e) {
        if(e.commandName == 'Toggle') {
    }" />


@Html.DevExpress().Gantt(settings => {
    settings.Name = "gantt";
    settings.SettingsToolbar.Items.AddCustomItem(i => {
        i.Checked = true;
        i.Text = "Show Resources";
        i.CommandName = "ShowResources";
    settings.ClientSideEvents.CustomCommand = "function (s, e) { 
        if(e.commandName == 'Toggle') {
    GanttDataProvider.Tasks, GanttDataProvider.Dependencies, 
    GanttDataProvider.Resources, GanttDataProvider.ResourceAssignments


See Also