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ASPxClientGantt.Refresh Method

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Reloads data from the data source and redraws the Gantt layout.


Refresh(): void


Call the Refresh method to update the Gantt control layout. The Refresh method sends a callback to the server and re-binds the Gantt control to the data source.

The following example updates the Gantt‘s layout when a user clicks the “Refresh” button. The button’s Click event handler calls the Refresh method. Note that the button’s AutoPostBack property is set to false to prevent the control from a round trip to the server.
The image below illustrates two web pages with the Gantt control. If a user changes tasks on the first web page, the control on the second page updates its content when the “Refresh” button is clicked.

<script type="text/javascript">
    function onClick(s, e) {

<dx:ASPxButton runat="server" ID="Button1" AutoPostBack="false" Text="Refresh">
    <ClientSideEvents Click="onClick" />

<dx:ASPxGantt ID="Gantt" runat="server" ClientInstanceName="clientGantt" EnableViewState="false"...>

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