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ASPxClientGantt.InsertResource(data, taskKeys) Method

Inserts a new resource.


    data: any,
    taskKeys: any[]
): void


Name Type Description
data any

The resource data.

taskKeys any[]

An array of tasks’ keys.


Gantt - Resources

The keys should have the same format as used in the data source fields.

<dx:ASPxGantt ID="Gantt" runat="server" ClientInstanceName="clientGantt" >
// Inserts a new resource 
clientGantt.InsertResource({ Name: "New Resource" });

// Inserts a new resource with the specified color
clientGantt.InsertResource({ Name: "New Resource", Color: "Red"});

// Inserts a new resource and assigns it to an individual task
clientGantt.InsertResource({ Name: "New Resource"}, ["4"]);

// Inserts a new resource and assigns it to multiple tasks
clientGantt.InsertResource({ Name: "New Resource"}, ["4", "10"]);


See Also