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ASPxClientGantt Events
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A client-side equivalent of the ASPxGantt control.
Name Description
BeginCallback Occurs when a callback for server-side processing is initiated.
CallbackError Fires on the client if any server error occurs during server-side processing of a callback sent by the ASPxClientGantt.
ContextMenu Occurs when a user right-clicks a task or dependency to open the context menu.
ContextMenuCustomization Occurs before the built-in context menu is rendered.
CustomCommand Enables you to implement a custom command’s logic.
DependencyDeleted Occurs after a user deleted a dependency.
DependencyDeleting Occurs before a user deletes a dependency.
DependencyInserted Occurs after a user inserted a dependency.
DependencyInserting Occurs before a user inserts a dependency.
EndCallback Occurs on the client side after a callback’s server-side processing has been completed.
EndCellEditing Occurs before a user finishes editing a cell.
FocusedTaskChanged Occurs after a task is focused.
FocusedTaskChanging Occurs before a task is focused.
Init Occurs on the client side after the control has been initialized. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase.
ProgressTooltipShowing Occurs before the Gantt displays the tooltip when users changes the task’s progress in the UI.
ResourceAssigned Occurs after a user assigned a resource to a task.
ResourceAssigning Occurs before a user assigns a resource to a task.
ResourceDeleted Occurs after a user deleted a resource.
ResourceDeleting Occurs before a user deletes a resource.
ResourceInserted Occurs after a user inserted a new resource.
ResourceInserting Occurs before a user inserts a new resource.
ResourceManagerDialogShowing Occurs before the Resource Manager dialog is shown.
ResourceUnassigned Occurs after a user removed a resource from a task.
ResourceUnassigning Occurs before a user removes a resource from a task.
ScaleCellPrepared Occurs after a scale cell is prepared.
StartCellEditing Occurs before a user starts to edit a cell.
TaskClick Occurs when a user clicks a task.
TaskDblClick Occurs when a user double-clicks a task.
TaskDeleted Occurs after a user deleted a task.
TaskDeleting Occurs before a user deletes a task.
TaskEditDialogShowing Occurs before the edit dialog is shown.
TaskInserted Occurs after a user inserted a task.
TaskInserting Occurs before a user inserts a task.
TaskMoving Occurs before a user moves a task.
TaskShowing Occurs before a task is displayed.
TaskUpdated Occurs after a user updated a task.
TaskUpdating Occurs before a user updates a task.
TimeTooltipShowing Occurs before the Gantt displays the tooltip when users resizes or moves the task in the UI.
TooltipShowing Occurs before a tooltip is displayed.
See Also