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WebChartControl Events
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The chart control for ASP.NET applications.
Name Description
AxisScaleChanged Occurs when the scale mode, measure unit, grid alignment or grid spacing of the axis scale has been changed.
AxisVisualRangeChanged Occurs when the axis visual range has been changed.
AxisWholeRangeChanged Occurs when the axis whole range has been changed.
BoundDataChanged Occurs every time a chart control generates its series points from the data source.
CallbackError static Allows you to handle any server exception that might occur during server-side processing of a callback sent by a DevExpress web control. Inherited from ASPxWebControl.
CallbackStateLoad Occurs when a chart loads its view state between multiple callbacks.
CallbackStateSave Occurs when a chart saves its view state between multiple callbacks.
CustomCallback Fires when a round trip to the server has been initiated by a call to the client ASPxClientWebChartControl.PerformCallback method.
CustomDrawAxisLabel Occurs before axis label items are drawn when the chart’s contents are being drawn.
CustomDrawCrosshair This event is intended for internal use only.
CustomDrawSeries Occurs before a series is drawn when the chart’s contents are being drawn.
CustomDrawSeriesPoint Occurs before a series point is drawn when the chart’s contents are being drawn.
CustomizeAutoBindingSettings Occurs after automatic settings are applied to a chart’s data source.
CustomizeLegend Obsolete. Occurs before automatic settings are applied to the legend‘s layout properties.
CustomizePieTotalLabel Occurs when the WebChartControl draws total labels for pie and donut series.
CustomizeResolveOverlappingMode Obsolete. Occurs before an automatic setting is applied to the overlap resolving mode of series labels.
CustomizeSimpleDiagramLayout Occurs after the adaptive layout is enabled for the chart control to customize the Simple Diagram‘s layout properties.
CustomizeStackedBarTotalLabel Occurs when the WebChartControl draws total labels for Stacked Bar series.
CustomizeXAxisLabels Obsolete. Occurs after automatic layout settings are applied to the X-axis’ labels.
CustomJSProperties Enables you to supply any server data that can then be parsed on the client.
CustomPaint Occurs after the chart has been drawn.
DataBinding Occurs when the server control binds to a data source. Inherited from Control.
DataBound Occurs after the server control binds to the data source. Inherited from ASPxDataWebControlBase.
Disposed Occurs when a server control is released from memory, which is the last stage of the server control lifecycle when an ASP.NET page is requested. Inherited from Control.
DrillDownStateChanged Occurs when the Web Chart Control’s drill down state is changed.
DrillDownStateChanging Occurs before the Web Chart Control’s drill down state is changed.
EndLoading Occurs when the Web Chart Control’s object model has been completely initialized.
Init Occurs when the server control is initialized, which is the first step in its lifecycle. Inherited from Control.
LegendItemChecked Occurs when a legend item is checked in the legend check box.
Load Occurs when the server control is loaded into the Page object. Inherited from Control.
ObjectSelected Occurs when an end-user clicks on any chart element.
PaneCollapsedChanged Occurs when any chart pane’s collapse state is changed.
PieSeriesPointExploded Fires when a pie slice, representing a series point, is moved to or from the pie center.
PivotChartingCustomizeLegend Occurs before automatic settings are applied to the legend‘s layout properties.
PivotChartingCustomizeResolveOverlappingMode Occurs before an automatic setting is applied to the overlap resolving mode of series labels.
PivotChartingCustomizeXAxisLabels Occurs after automatic layout settings are applied to the X-axis’ labels.
PivotGridSeriesExcluded Occurs after a chart has been bound to a Pivot Grid.
PivotGridSeriesPointsExcluded Occurs after a chart has been bound to a Pivot Grid.
PreRender Occurs after the Control object is loaded but prior to rendering. Inherited from Control.
SelectedItemsChanged Occurs after chart items are selected.
SelectedItemsChanging Occurs before the Chart Control’s selected items collection is changed, enabling a handler to cancel the selection change.
SmallChartTextShowing Occurs when the control size does not allow displaying a readable chart.
Unload Occurs when the server control is unloaded from memory. Inherited from Control.
See Also