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WebChartControl.CustomizeStackedBarTotalLabel Event

Occurs when the WebChartControl draws total labels for Stacked Bar series.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraCharts.Web

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraCharts.v24.2.Web.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Web.Visualization


public event CustomizeStackedBarTotalLabelEventHandler CustomizeStackedBarTotalLabel

#Event Data

The CustomizeStackedBarTotalLabel event's data class is CustomizeStackedBarTotalLabelEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
Argument Returns a series point argument value.
Text Gets or sets the total label text.
TextColor Gets or sets the total label’s text color.
TotalValue Returns the total label value.


This example shows how to change the color of the Stacked Bar series’s total label depending on the total value of points:

The images show stacked bar total labels before and after customization

using DevExpress.XtraCharts;
using DevExpress.XtraCharts.Web;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;

namespace TotalLabels {
    public partial class WebForm1 : System.Web.UI.Page {
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {

            WebChartControl chart = new WebChartControl();
            chart.RenderFormat = RenderFormat.Svg;
            chart.ID = "WebChart";
            chart.Height = 315;
            chart.Width = 560;

            chart.DataSource = DataPoint.GetDataPoints();
            chart.SeriesTemplate.ArgumentDataMember = "Argument";
            chart.SeriesTemplate.SeriesDataMember = "Index";
            chart.SeriesTemplate.LegendTextPattern = "Index: {S}";

            XYDiagram diagram = (XYDiagram)chart.Diagram;
            diagram.AxisX.QualitativeScaleOptions.AutoGrid = false;
            diagram.AxisX.QualitativeScaleOptions.GridSpacing = 1;
            diagram.AxisX.Tickmarks.MinorVisible = false;            

            StackedBarTotalLabel totalLabel = diagram.DefaultPane.StackedBarTotalLabel;
            totalLabel.Visible = true;

            chart.CustomizeStackedBarTotalLabel += Chart_CustomizeStackedBarTotalLabel;


        private void Chart_CustomizeStackedBarTotalLabel(object sender, CustomizeStackedBarTotalLabelEventArgs e) {
            e.TextColor = (e.TotalValue >= 31) ? Color.Green : Color.Gray;
    public class DataPoint {
        public string Argument { get; set; }
        public double Value { get; set; }
        public int Index { get; set; }

        public static List<DataPoint> GetDataPoints() {
            return new List<DataPoint> {
                    new DataPoint { Index = 0, Argument = "Q1", Value = 17.0752},
                    new DataPoint { Index = 0, Argument = "Q2", Value = 9.98467},
                    new DataPoint { Index = 0, Argument = "Q3", Value = 8.63142},
                    new DataPoint { Index = 0, Argument = "Q4", Value = 6.59696},
                    new DataPoint { Index = 1, Argument = "Q1", Value = 15.0752},
                    new DataPoint { Index = 1, Argument = "Q2", Value = 10.97},
                    new DataPoint { Index = 1, Argument = "Q3", Value = 12.142},
                    new DataPoint { Index = 1, Argument = "Q4", Value = 9.59696},
                    new DataPoint { Index = 2, Argument = "Q1", Value = 14.0752},
                    new DataPoint { Index = 2, Argument = "Q2", Value = 10.8467},
                    new DataPoint { Index = 2, Argument = "Q3", Value = 9.642},
                    new DataPoint { Index = 2, Argument = "Q4", Value = 7.59696},
See Also