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SchedulerShortcutCommands Fields

Contains a set of the available shortcut commands.
Name Description
BackwardVisibleInterval Navigates to the previous visible interval.
Copy Copies the selected appointment.
Cut Cuts the selected appointment.
DeleteShortcut Deletes the selected appointment.
EditAppointment Starts editing the current appointment or creates a new one.
ExpandSelectionDown Expands the current selection down.
ExpandSelectionLeft Expand the current selection left.
ExpandSelectionRight Move selection right or select the appointment to the right depending on the selection mode.
ExpandSelectionUp Expand the current selection up.
ForwardVisibleInterval Navigate to the previous visible interval.
NavigateDown Move selection down or select the appointment below depending on the selection mode.
NavigateLeft Move selection left or select the appointment to the left depending on the selection mode.
NavigateRight Move selection right or select the appointment to the right depending on the selection mode.
NavigateUp Move selection up or select the appointment above depending on the selection mode.
Paste Paste an appointment into the current cell.
SwitchToAgendaView Switch to the Agenda View.
SwitchToDayView Switch to the Day View.
SwitchToFullWeekView Switch to the Full Week View.
SwitchToMonthView Switch to the Month View.
SwitchToTimelineView Switch to the Timeline View.
SwitchToWeekView Switch to the Week View.
SwitchToWorkWeekView Switch to the Work Week View.
ToggleSelection Toggle between cell and appointment selection.
See Also