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SchedulerCallbackCommandId Members

In This Article
Lists command identifiers for correct command interpretation on the server.


Name Description
AppointmentCancel Closes an appontment editing form and discards the changes.
AppointmentData Reads specified appointment properties.
AppointmentDataEx Performs a callback to retrieve appointment properties and executes a specified procedure after a callback is made.
AppointmentDelete Deletes an appointment using the AppointmentFormControllerBase.DeleteAppointment method.
AppointmentFormShow Performs an appointment lookup by ClientId and displays an appointment form.The equivalent of the ASPxClientScheduler.ShowAppointmentFormByClientId method.
AppointmentSave Saves an appointment using the ISchedulerInplaceEditorEx.ApplyChanges method and closes an appointment form.
AppointmentsChange Submits appointment properties modifications caused by user actions such as moving, dragging and so on.
AppointmentsCopy Makes a copy of an appointment. Not in use.
ChangeAppointmentsLabel Changes labels of selected appointments.
ChangeAppointmentsStatus Changes statuses of selected appointments.
ChangeTimeZone Modifies the SchedulerOptionsBehaviorBase.ClientTimeZoneId setting.
ClientSideDeleteAppointment Deletes an appointment.
ClientSideInsertAppointment Inserts an appointment into a storage collection.
ClientSideUpdateAppointment Updates appointment property values.
CloseRemindersForm Accomplishes RemindersFormDefaultAction and closes a reminder form.
CustomRemindersAction For each reminder, raise the SchedulerControl.RemindersFormDefaultAction event.
DecrementVisibleResourceCount Decrement a number of resources per page (SchedulerViewBase.ResourcesPerPage) by one.
DeleteAppointments Deletes selected appointments.
DismissAllReminders Deletes all triggered alerts.
DismissReminder Dismiss a specified reminder.
GotoDate Sets the control’s ASPxScheduler.Start property value to the specified date.
GotoDateForm Sets the control’s ASPxScheduler.Start and ASPxScheduler.ActiveView to the values specified in the GotoDate form.
GotoDateFormCancel Closes the GoToDate form and discards changes.
GotoToday Sets the control’s ASPxScheduler.Start property value to the current date.
IncrementVisibleResourceCount Increment a number of resources per page (SchedulerViewBase.ResourcesPerPage) by one.
InplaceEditorEditForm Commits changes using the ISchedulerInplaceEditorEx.ApplyChanges method and closes the inplace form.
InplaceEditorSave Sets the AppointmentFormControllerBase.Subject to the value of an inplace editor.
InplaceEditorShow Invokes an inplace editing form for the selected appointment.
MenuAppointment Performs a lookup of a menu command by its id and executes it.
MenuView Performs a command lookup by its menu item id and executes the command.
MoreButton Navigates to the time interval and resource as required by MoreButton functionality.
NavigateBackward Navigates one visible page back in time.
NavigateForward Navigates one visible page forward in time.
NavigateResourceFirst When a Scheduler view is grouped by resource, sets the first visible resource to the first resource in a collection.
NavigateResourceLast When a Scheduler view is grouped by resource, sets the last visible resource to the last resource in a collection.
NavigateResourceNext When a Scheduler view is grouped by resource, makes the next resource visible.
NavigateResourceNextPage When a Scheduler view is grouped by resource, shifts the visible resource frame forward to display a new set of resources.
NavigateResourcePrev When a Scheduler view is grouped by resource, makes the previous resource visible.
NavigateResourcePrevPage When a Scheduler view is grouped by resource, shifts the visible resource frame backward to display a new set of resources.
NavigateSpecificResource When a Scheduler view is grouped by resource, sets the specified resource as the first visible one.
NavigationButton Navigates to the appointment associated with the Navigation Button and selects it.
NewAppointmentViaInplaceEditor Creates a new appointment for the selected resource and time interval and invokes the in-place editor for this appointment.
OffsetVisibleIntervals Shifts the scheduler’s visible interval to a specified number of months.
ProcessReminder Invokes a reminder form to display expired alerts.

Identifies dialogs that should be cached.

Default value: “DialogForm”

RaiseMoreButtonClickedEvent Raises the server-side ASPxScheduler.MoreButtonClicked event.
RecurrentAppointmentDelete Deletes an appointment occurrence, or the entire series as specified in a form for recurrent appointment deletion.
RecurrentAppointmentDeleteCancel Closes the form for recurrent appointment deletion, and cancels the action.
RecurrentAppointmentEdit Invokes a form for recurrent appointment editing.
RecurrentAppointmentEditCancel Closes the recurrent appointment editing form and discards changes.
Refresh Initiates a server roundtrip to reload a page.
RestoreAppointmentOccurrence Restores a deleted occurrence of a recurrent appointment.
SetVisibleDays Sets the visible interval to display a specified number of continuous dates.
SetVisibleResources Sets whether the resources with specified IDs are visible.
ShowAppointmentFormByServerId Looks for an appointment with a specified server ID, and invokes an appointment editing form to display it.
SnoozeAllReminders Defer all alerts for a specified amount of time.
SnoozeReminders Postpone the alert for a specified amount of time.
SwitchGroupType Sets a specified ASPxScheduler.GroupType for a control.
SwitchView Sets a specified ASPxScheduler.ActiveViewType for a control.

Show Inherited Hide Inherited

Name Description
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.
See Also