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ASPxTimelineViewAppointmentDisplayOptions Properties
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Contains settings specific to displaying appointments in the Timeline View.
Name Description
AppointmentAutoHeight Gets or sets whether an appointment should change its height to fit the text to display. Inherited from AppointmentDisplayOptions.
AppointmentGapWidth Specifies the width of the horizontal gap between appointments.
AppointmentHeight Gets or sets the height of a single appointment for the current View (in pixels). Inherited from AppointmentDisplayOptions.
AppointmentInterspacing Gets or sets the vertical distance between appointments. Inherited from TimelineViewAppointmentDisplayOptions.
ContinueArrowDisplayType Specifies the type of indicator used to point out that the appointment extends beyond the visible date range. Inherited from AppointmentDisplayOptions.
EndTimeVisibility Specifies whether the end time should be visible for the appointment. Inherited from AppointmentDisplayOptions.
FirstAppointmentTopIndent Gets or sets an appointment top indent in the Timeline View.
LastAppointmentBottomIndent Gets or sets an appointment bottom indent in the Timeline View.
ShowRecurrence Specify whether the recurrence symbol should be displayed for the recurrent appointment. Inherited from AppointmentDisplayOptions.
ShowReminder Specify whether the reminder symbol should be displayed for an appointment with a reminder. Inherited from AppointmentDisplayOptions.
SnapToCells Obsolete. Specifies whether the appointment should snap to cell borders. Inherited from AppointmentDisplayOptions.
SnapToCellsMode Gets or sets the method of snapping appointments to time cells. Inherited from AppointmentDisplayOptions.
StartTimeVisibility Specifies whether the start time should be visible for the appointment. Inherited from AppointmentDisplayOptions.
StatusDisplayType Specifies whether to display a status line and whether to fill the status line to indicate appointment status and duration. Inherited from AppointmentDisplayOptions.
TimeDisplayType Specifies how the start and end time of the appointment should be displayed - using symbols or digits. Inherited from AppointmentDisplayOptions.
See Also