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Accessing Columns

The ASPxTreeList control stores its columns within the ASPxTreeList.Columns collection. To access only visible columns, use the ASPxTreeList.VisibleColumns property. Individual columns are represented by the TreeListDataColumn objects. A data column can be accessed by specifying its ID, caption or the name of the data source field to which it is bound.

using DevExpress.Web.ASPxTreeList;

// Accessing a column by specifying the name of the data source field to which it is bound.
TreeListDataColumn colDepartment = treeList.Columns["Department"] as TreeListDataColumn;
// Accessing a column by specifying its caption.
TreeListDataColumn colPhone = treeList.Columns["Primary Phone"] as TreeListDataColumn;
// Accessing a column by its index within the Columns collection.
TreeListDataColumn colFirstColumn = treeList.Columns[0] as TreeListDataColumn;

On the client, data columns can be accessed via the methods listed below:

The number of columns can be obtained via the ASPxClientTreeList.GetColumnCount method.