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Data Columns

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Data Columns are used to display and edit data. These columns represent fields in the ASPxTreeList’s data source. Their TreeListDataColumn.FieldName properties refer to valid fields in the data source.

There are eight types of server data columns:

Class Name Description
TreeListBinaryImageColumn Represents a data column that displays images from a binary stream.
TreeListButtonEditColumn Represents a data column with the button editor.
TreeListCheckColumn Represents a data column used to display and edit data from a Boolean data field.
TreeListColorEditColumn Represents a data column used to display and edit color values.
TreeListComboBoxColumn Represents a data column whose values are edited using the combo box editor.
TreeListDateTimeColumn Represents a data column used to display and edit data from a DateTime data field.
TreeListDropDownEditColumn Represents a data column with an editor containing a customizable dropdown window.
TreeListHyperLinkColumn Represents a data column with hyperlink functionality.
TreeListImageColumn Represents a data column that displays images located at the specified URLs.
TreeListMemoColumn Represents a data column used to display and edit memo data.
TreeListProgressBarColumn Represents a data column with the progress bar editor.
TreeListSpinEditColumn Represents a data column used to display and edit numeric data.
TreeListTextColumn Represents a data column used to display and edit text.
TreeListTimeEditColumn Represents a data column used to display and edit time portions of DateTime values.

On the client, data columns are represented by the ASPxClientTreeListColumn objects.


Since different types of data columns represent different types of data, they provide their own editors. For example, Boolean values are edited using a check box editor, while DateTime values are edited using a DateTime editor. To access and customize the column editor’s settings, use the TreeListDataColumn.PropertiesEdit property.

To specify whether end-users can sort data by the column’s values, use the TreeListDataColumn.AllowSort property. Its sort order is specified by the TreeListDataColumn.SortOrder property.

To make a column read-only, set its TreeListDataColumn.ReadOnly property to true.


The column’s visibility is specified by its WebColumnBase.Visible property. Its position among other visible columns is specified by its WebColumnBase.VisibleIndex property.

End-users can hide and show columns via the Customization Window.