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ICustomizeLabelPageView Members

If implemented, provides a view for the Customize the Label Options page of the Report Wizard.


Name Description
BottomMargin If implemented, specifies the value of the Bottom Margin editor.
Height If implemented, specifies the value of the Label Height editor.
HorizontalPitch If implemented, specifies the value of the Horizontal Pitch editor.
LeftMargin If implemented, specifies the value of the Left Margin editor.
RightMargin If implemented, specifies the value of the Right Margin editor.
SelectedPaperKindId If implemented, specifies the entry selected in the Page Size drop-down list.
TopMargin If implemented, specifies the value of the Top Margin editor.
Unit If implemented, specifies the state of the Inch and Millimeter radio buttons.
VerticalPitch If implemented, specifies the value of the Vertical Pitch editor.
Width If implemented, specifies the value of the Label Width editor.


Name Description
FillPageSizeList(IEnumerable<PaperKindViewInfo>) If implemented, populates the list of the available page sizes.


Name Description
LabelInformationChanged Occurs when label information displayed in the dedicated editors is changed.
SelectedPaperKindChanged Occurs when the entry selected in the Page Size drop-down list is changed.
UnitChanged Occurs when the state of the Inch and Millimeter radio buttons is changed.
See Also