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HamburgerSubMenuNavigationButton Members

Represents a button with an icon in the HamburgerMenu‘s sub-menu.


Name Description
HamburgerSubMenuNavigationButton() Initializes a new instance of the HamburgerSubMenuNavigationButton class with the default settings.


Name Description
ContextMenuProperty static Identifies the HamburgerSubMenuNavigationButton.ContextMenu dependency property.
HideMenuWhenSelectedProperty static Identifies the HamburgerSubMenuNavigationButton.HideMenuWhenSelected dependency property.
IsSelectedProperty static Identifies the HamburgerSubMenuNavigationButton.IsSelected dependency property.
PreviewContentProperty static Identifies the HamburgerSubMenuNavigationButton.PreviewContent dependency property.
PreviewContentTemplateProperty static Identifies the HamburgerSubMenuNavigationButton.PreviewContentTemplate dependency property.
PreviewContextMenuProperty static Identifies the HamburgerSubMenuNavigationButton.PreviewContextMenu dependency property.
PreviewMarkTemplateProperty static Identifies the HamburgerSubMenuNavigationButton.PreviewMarkTemplate dependency property.
PreviewRightContentProperty static Identifies the HamburgerSubMenuNavigationButton.PreviewRightContent dependency property.
PreviewRightContentTemplateProperty static Identifies the HamburgerSubMenuNavigationButton.PreviewRightContentTemplate dependency property.
RightContentMarginProperty static Identifies the HamburgerSubMenuNavigationButton.RightContentMargin dependency property.
RightContentProperty static Identifies the HamburgerSubMenuNavigationButton.RightContent dependency property.
RightContentTemplateProperty static Identifies the HamburgerSubMenuNavigationButton.RightContentTemplate dependency property.
ShowInPreviewProperty static Identifies the HamburgerSubMenuNavigationButton.ShowInPreview dependency property.
ShowPreviewMarkProperty static Identifies the HamburgerSubMenuNavigationButton.ShowPreviewMark dependency property.
SyncWithActivePageProperty static Identifies the HamburgerSubMenuNavigationButton.SyncWithActivePage dependency property.
UseContextMenuAsPreviewProperty static Identifies the HamburgerSubMenuNavigationButton.UseContextMenuAsPreview dependency property.
UseNavigationTargetParameterForSyncProperty static Identifies the HamburgerSubMenuNavigationButton.UseNavigationTargetParameterForSync dependency property.


Name Description
ContextMenu Gets or sets the context menu that is invoked when the end-user right-clicks the navigation button.
HideMenuWhenSelected Gets or sets whether the HamburgerMenu is automatically hidden when the current item is selected.
IsSelected Gets or sets whether the current item is selected among the items in the HamburgerSubMenu to which it belongs.
PreviewContent Gets or sets the content for the current sub-menu item displayed directly in the main menu as a preview.
PreviewContentTemplate Gets or sets the data template used to render the item’s content in the preview.
PreviewContextMenu Gets or sets the context menu that is invoked when the end-user right-clicks the navigation button shown in the preview.
PreviewMarkTemplate Gets or sets the template used to render the favorite mark for the current button.
PreviewRightContent Gets or sets the additional button content displayed to the right of the principal content when the button is displayed in the preview.
PreviewRightContentTemplate Gets or sets the data template used to render the additional content of the current button displayed in the preview.
RightContent Gets or sets the additional button content displayed to the right of the main content.
RightContentMargin Gets or sets the outer margin of the additional content displayed to the right of the main content.
RightContentTemplate Gets or sets the data template used to render the additional content displayed to the right of the main content.
ShowInPreview Gets or sets whether the current sub menu item is shown as a preview directly in the main menu below the sub-menu button. This is a dependency property.
ShowPreviewMark Gets or sets whether the current item is marked as favorite in the sub-menu fly-out panel when it is assigned to be displayed in the preview.
SyncWithActivePage Gets or sets whether the current button is automatically selected if the button’s target page has been navigated.
UseContextMenuAsPreview Gets or sets whether to use the context menu assigned to the HamburgerSubMenuNavigationButton.ContextMenu property regardless of whether the button is shown in the regular Sub Menu or in the preview. This is a dependency property.
UseNavigationTargetParameterForSync Gets or sets whether to use current button’s navigation parameters to synchronize the button selection in the menu with the navigated page.

Show Inherited Hide Inherited

Name Description
AfterContainerInfoAdded(ItemsSourceControllerContainerInfo) This method supports the internal infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
BeforeContainerInfoRemoved(ItemsSourceControllerContainerInfo) This method supports the internal infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.


Name Description
PreviewItemClick Occurs when the end-user clicks the button within the preview.
See Also