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DevExpress.Data Namespace

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Contains classes implementing the common data management functionality for DevExpress controls.

Assemblies: DevExpress.Core.v21.2.dll, DevExpress.UI.Xaml.Grid.v21.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Uwp.Controls


Name Description
CustomSummaryEventArgs Provides data for the GridControl.CustomSummary event.
CustomSummaryExistEventArgs Provides data for the GridControl.CustomSummaryExists event.
InfiniteAsyncSource The asynchronous infinite source.
InfiniteSourceBase Serves as a base class for infinite sources.
VirtualSourceBase Serves as a base class for virtual sources.


Name Description
CustomSummaryEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the GridControl.CustomSummary event.
CustomSummaryExistEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the GridControl.CustomSummaryExists event.


Name Description
ColumnSortOrder Lists values specifying the sort orders.
CustomSummaryProcess Specifies the current status of a custom summary calculation.
SummaryItemType Lists values specifying the aggregate function types.
UnboundColumnType Contains values that specify the data type and binding mode of columns.