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DevExpress.UI.Xaml.Layout Namespace

In This Article

Contains classes used to build a layout of controls within your applications.

Assembly: DevExpress.UI.Xaml.Layout.v21.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Uwp.Controls


Name Description
DXFrame Represents a frame with extended functionality.
DXGridView Stacks data items horizontally.
DXListView Displays items as a vertical scrollable list.
ExpandContainer Combines controls into a headered container that supports the collapse/expand functionality.
GroupContainer Combines controls into a titled group.
HamburgerMenu Represents a collapsible navigation menu that displays a stack of navigation buttons. Supports regular buttons, sub-menus, hyperlinks, check and radio buttons.
HamburgerMenuBottomBarCheckBox Represents an icon-only button in the HamburgerMenu‘s Bottom Bar that an end-user can select (check) or clear (uncheck).
HamburgerMenuBottomBarNavigationButton Represents a icon-only button in the Bottom Bar of the HamburgerMenu that navigates to the specified page with a click.
HamburgerMenuBottomBarRadioButton Represents an icon-only button in the HamburgerMenu‘s Bottom Bar that allows an end-user to select an option from a group of options.
HamburgerMenuFrame Represents a frame with two views; one view to display navigation commands using the built-in HamburgerMenu, and another view to display the navigated pages.
HamburgerMenuHyperlinkButton Represents a button in the HamburgerMenu that functions as a hyperlink.
HamburgerMenuNavigationButton Represents a button with an icon in the Main Menu of the HamburgerMenu that navigates to the specified page with a click.
HamburgerSubMenu Represents a button with an icon in the HamburgerMenu that provides access to a Sub Menu.
HamburgerSubMenuNavigationButton Represents a button with an icon in the HamburgerMenu‘s sub-menu.
HeaderedContentContainer The base class for headered controls displaying specific content and supporting header styling and alignment.
HeaderedItemsContainer The base class for headered item containers supporting header styling and alignment.
LayoutAwareDecorator Allows you to manage a control’s visibility in specific app states.
LayoutControl A control container that arranges its items in a single column or row, and allows you to create compound layouts of controls, with the ability to combine the controls into groups and align the controls according to their headers.
LayoutGroup A group of horizontally or vertically aligned items.
LayoutItem A control that consists of a header and content regions.
MasterDetailPageContent Allows you to implement the Master-Detail Pattern.
TabbedContainer Presents items as tab pages with tab headers displayed at the top.
TabbedContainerItem An item within the TabbedContainer control.
Tile Represent a simple tile that can display a notification header, can be checked and selected.
TileBase The base class for tiles.


Name Description
HamburgerMenuAvailableViewStates Lists values that specify the available view states for the Hamburger Menu.
HamburgerMenuBottomBarNavigationButtonPlacement Lists values that specify a Bottom Bar navigation button’s horizontal alignment.
HamburgerMenuNavigationButtonPlacement Lists values that specify a navigation button’s vertical alignment.
HeaderAlignment Contains values that specify whether a specific LayoutItem’s header is aligned according to the alignment setting of the group where the item resides.
HeaderPosition Enumerates possible positions of a LayoutItem’s header relative to its content region.
HeadersAlignment Contains values that specify how LayoutItem headers are aligned within a specific LayoutGroup.
ItemSizeMode Contains values that specify how items are resized within a LayoutGroup.
LayoutOrientation Enumerates values that specify how LayoutItems are arranged within a LayoutGroup.
MasterDetailPageContentSplitterMode Lists values that specify the visual representation of the splitter.
MasterDetailPageContentThresholdMode Lists values that specify whether the stacked state threshold is the total width of master and content panes or the width of the content pane.
MasterDetailPageContentViewState Lists values that specify the current display mode.
ViewStateVisibility A set of flags that enumerate app states.