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HamburgerSubMenuNavigationButton.PreviewRightContent Property

Gets or sets the additional button content displayed to the right of the principal content when the button is displayed in the preview.

Namespace: DevExpress.UI.Xaml.Layout

Assembly: DevExpress.UI.Xaml.Layout.v21.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Uwp.Controls


public object PreviewRightContent { get; set; }

#Property Value

Type Description

The additional button content.


The HamburgerSubMenuNavigationButton.RightContent property allows you to specify additional content displayed to the right of the button’s principal content. For instance, if a given button opens a folder in the mail box, you can use this property to indicate to the end-user the number of unread messages in the folder.

If the HamburgerSubMenuNavigationButton.ShowInPreview option is enabled, the current item is displayed below the sub-menu button directly in the main menu. By default, the button’s additional content in the preview is the same as the content specified with the HamburgerSubMenuNavigationButton.RightContent property. However, using the PreviewRightContent property you can provide custom additional content to be displayed in the preview. To specify how the provided data object is rendered, use the HamburgerSubMenuNavigationButton.PreviewRightContentTemplate property. If no data template is assigned, the string representation of the object is used.

The HamburgerSubMenuNavigationButton.PreviewContent property specifies the button content for the preview to be displayed instead of the principal Content.

<Layout:HamburgerSubMenuNavigationButton Content="Inbox" RightContent="142" ShowInPreview="True" PreviewContent="Inbox (DevExpress)" PreviewRightContent="[142]" />
See Also