DevExpress.UI.Xaml.Charts Namespace
Contains classes which implement the main functionality of Chart Controls.
Assembly: DevExpress.UI.Xaml.Charts.v21.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Uwp.Controls
Name | Description |
AreaSeriesView | Represents a series view of the Area type. |
AxisBase | The base class for classes that provide axes functionality for a chart control. |
AxisLabelOptions | Contains options that define appearance and behavior of axis labels. |
AxisRangeBase | The base class for all axis ranges. |
AxisTitle | Defines the common settings of an axis title. |
AxisX | Represents the X-Axis for 2D charts. |
AxisY | Represents the Y-Axis for 2D charts. |
BarSeriesView | Represents the base class for all Bar and Column series views. |
CartesianChart | The Cartesian Chart control to plot series of data points on an XY Cartesian diagram. |
CartesianSeriesView | Represents the base class for all series views that can be displayed on a CartesianChart control. |
ChartBase | The base class for chart controls. |
ChartDataAdapter | The base class for all adapters that provide data for a series. |
ChartDependencyObject | Enables WinRT property system services for its derived model classes. |
ChartElement | Represents the base class for other chart elements intended to hide most properties of the Control class. |
CollectionBase<T> | A base for certain collections used in charts. |
ContourAppearance | Contains settings that specify the appearance of a contour drawn around chart elements. |
DataMember | Contains data member settings that specify from which column in a datasource to obtain data for data points, as well as how to treat this data. |
DataMemberCollection | Represents a collection that stores the data members of a particular DataSourceAdapter. |
DataPoint | An individual data point in the series. |
DataPointCollection | Provides a collection of data points for a series. |
DataPoints | A collection of DataPoint objects. |
DataSourceAdapter | Contains data binding settings that define the datasource to obtain data for a series, as well as data fields to be used from this datasource. |
DonutSeriesView | Represents a series view of the Donut type. |
FullStackedAreaSeriesView | Represents a series view of the Full-Stacked Area type. |
FullStackedBarSeriesView | Represents a series view of the Full-Stacked Bar type. |
FullStackedLineSeriesView | Represents a series view of the Full-Stacked Line type. |
FunnelChart | The Funnel Chart control is used to plot series of data points on a funnel chart area. |
FunnelSeriesView | Represents a series view of the Funnel type. |
Legend | Represents a chart control’s legend. |
LineSeriesView | Represents a series view of the Line type. |
MarkerSeriesView | Represents the base class for all series views that contain data point markers. |
NestedDonutSeriesView | Represents a series view of the Nested Donut type. |
Palette | Represents a palette (collection of colors) used to draw a chart. |
PieChart | The Pie Chart control to plot series of data points on a pie chart area. |
PieSeriesView | Represents a series view of the Pie type. |
PointSeriesView | Represents a series view of the Point type. |
ScatterLineSeriesView | Represents a series view of the Scatter Line type. |
Series | Represents an individual series within a chart control. |
SeriesCollection | Represents a collection that stores individual series within a chart control. |
SeriesLabelOptions | Contains options that define the appearance and behavior of data point labels. |
SeriesTitle | Contains settings that define the appearance and behavior of a series title. |
SeriesView | Represents the base class for all series views. |
SideBySideBarSeriesView | Represents a series view of the Side-by-Side Bar type. |
SideBySideFullStackedBarSeriesView | Represents a series view of the Side-by-Side Full-Stacked Bar type. |
SideBySideStackedBarSeriesView | Represents a series view of the Side-by-Side Stacked Bar type. |
StackedAreaSeriesView | Represents a series view of the Stacked Area type. |
StackedBarSeriesView | Represents a series view of the Stacked Bar type. |
StackedLineSeriesView | Represents a series view of the Stacked Line type. |
StepAreaSeriesView | Represents a series view of the Step Area type. |
StepLineSeriesView | Represents a series view of the Step Line type. |
Strip | Represents a strip within a chart control’s diagram. |
StripCollection | Represents a collection that stores the strips of a particular axis. |
VisualAxisRange | Defines the leftmost and rightmost values that are currently visible on an axis. |
WholeAxisRange | Defines the minimum and possible values that can be displayed on an axis. |
Name | Description |
ActualScaleType | Contains the values used to identify the actual scale type for the argument and value data of data points. |
AxisAlignment | Lists the values used to specify an axis alignment. |
BarLabelPosition | Lists the values used to specify the position of Bar labels. |
ChartDataMemberType | Lists the values used to specify which attribute of a data point should be populated using a data member’s settings. |
DataChangingAnimationMode | Lists the values used to specify how data points are animated when the underlying data is changed. |
DateTimeMeasureUnit | Lists the values that specify the unit of measurement for date-time values within a chart control. |
FunnelLabelPosition | Lists the values used to specify the position of funnel labels. |
HorizontalPosition | Lists the values that specify the legend’s horizontal alignment within the chart. |
PieLabelPosition | Lists the values used to specify the position of pie labels. |
PieSweepDirection | Lists the values that are used to define the direction of a 2D Pie series sweep. |
RangeControlViewType | Lists the values used to specify how a series should be represented in a Range Control. |
ScaleType | Contains the values used to specify the scale type for the argument and value data of data points. |
SeriesTitlePosition | Lists the values used to specify the position of series titles. |
TitleAlignment | Lists the values used to specify the alignment of an axis title relative to its owner axis. |
UnwindDirection | Lists the values that are used to define the direction of an unwinding animation. |
VerticalPosition | Lists the values that specify the legend’s vertical alignment within the chart. |