HamburgerSubMenuNavigationButton.PreviewContent Property
Gets or sets the content for the current sub-menu item displayed directly in the main menu as a preview.
Namespace: DevExpress.UI.Xaml.Layout
Assembly: DevExpress.UI.Xaml.Layout.v21.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Uwp.Controls
#Property Value
Type | Description |
Object | The content for the current sub-menu item displayed directly in the main menu as a preview. |
If the HamburgerSubMenuNavigationButton.ShowInPreview option is enabled, the current item is displayed below the sub-menu button directly in the main menu. By default, the button’s content in the preview is the same as the principal content displayed in the sub-menu fly-out panel. However, using the PreviewContent proprety you can provide a custom button’s content to be displayed in the preview. To specify how the provided data object is rendered, use the HamburgerSubMenuNavigationButton.PreviewContentTemplate property. If no data template is assigned, the string representation of the object is used.
The HamburgerSubMenuNavigationButton.PreviewRightContent property specifies the button’s additional content for the preview to be displayed instead of the HamburgerSubMenuNavigationButton.RightContent.
<Layout:HamburgerSubMenuNavigationButton Content="Inbox" RightContent="142" ShowInPreview="True" PreviewContent="Inbox (DevExpress)" PreviewRightContent="[142]" />