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ColorEdit Class

Represents a color editor.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Editors

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Core.v20.1.dll

NuGet Packages: DevExpress.WindowsDesktop.Wpf.Core, DevExpress.Wpf.Core


public class ColorEdit :


The ColorEdit editor allows users to choose colors from the RGBA color space.



The ColorEdit class inherits its features from the BaseEdit class.

Refer to the BaseEdit class description for information on derived features and API.

Create a ColorEdit

To add a ColorEdit to a Window, drag it from the Toolbox.

The following sample demonstrates how to create a ColorEdit using XAML markup.

<dxe:ColorEdit ColumnCount="10" ShowNoColorButton="True" 
    DefaultColor="Crimson" NoColorButtonContent="Empty Color" 
    MoreColorsButtonContent="Color picker" ChipSize="Medium"/>

Editor Value

You can specify the editor’s value using the Color property.

<Window ...

<!-- Specify value using the ColorEdit.Color property -->
<dxe:ColorEdit Color="#ff396ba7"/>

To respond to changing the editor’s value, handle the BaseEdit.EditValueChanged event. To check the new value’s validity, handle the BaseEdit.Validate event.

Predefined Color Palettes

You can create gradient palettes from predefined sets of colors.

myColorEdit.Palettes.Add(CustomPalette.CreateGradientPalette("Verve", PredefinedColorCollections.Verve));

Custom Palettes

You can define your own color sets:

using DevExpress.Xpf.Editors;
List<Color> customColors = new List<System.Windows.Media.Color>() {
    Color.FromRgb(170, 0, 0),
    Color.FromRgb(0, 125, 0),
    Color.FromRgb(0, 0, 170) };
myColorEdit.Palettes.Add(new CustomPalette("Custom RGB Colors", customColors));

color edit custom palette

Built-in Color Picker

The ColorEdit.ShowMoreColorsButton property controls the availability of the More Colors button. Clicking this button invokes the built-in color picker tool. Color picker allows end-users to select the desired color visually or by specifying the precise values.

Configurable Palette Layout

You can specify the number of color columns in each palette using the ColorEdit.ColumnCount property. The ColorEdit.ChipSize property controls the size of the color chips.

Optional Default Color Button

You can define the default color using the ColorEdit.DefaultColor property. The ColorEdit.ShowDefaultColorButton property toggles the availability of the Default Color button.

Optional No Color Button

Setting the ColorEdit.ShowNoColorButton property to true enables the No Color button. The No Color button allows users to select an empty color.

Complementary Popup Control

DevExpress WPF Editors library has a popup variation of the ColorEdit control: PopupColorEdit.


This example shows how to create custom palettes and display them within a ColorEdit control.

Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Windows.Controls
Imports System.Windows.Media
Imports DevExpress.Xpf.Editors

Namespace DXEditors_ColorEdit
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml
    ''' </summary>
    Partial Public Class MainWindow
        Inherits Window
        Public Sub New()
            ' Removes the 'Standard Colors' palette.
            colorEdit1.Palettes.Remove(colorEdit1.Palettes("Standard Colors"))
            ' Adds a custom gradient palette.
            colorEdit1.Palettes.Add(CustomPalette.CreateGradientPalette("Apex Colors", PredefinedColorCollections.Apex))
            ' Adds a new palette with three custom RGB colors.
            Dim customColors As List(Of Color) = New List(Of Color)
            customColors.Add(Color.FromRgb(150, 18, 30))
            customColors.Add(Color.FromRgb(20, 40, 20))
            customColors.Add(Color.FromRgb(88, 73, 29))
            Dim palette As CustomPalette = New CustomPalette("Custom RGB Colors", customColors)
        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace

The following code snippets (auto-collected from DevExpress Examples) contain references to the ColorEdit class.


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See Also