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Column Header Customization

  • 3 minutes to read

A column header identifies a column, displays the column’s caption and enables an end-user to move and resize the column, apply sorting and filtering, etc.

Specify the DataViewBase.ShowColumnHeaders property to show/hide column headers in the current GridControl’s view.

This topic consists of the following sections:

Customize Header Elements

The image below shows elements that a column header can contain:


The following table lists column header’s elements and contains the corresponding references to customization approaches:

Header Element Description Customization
Header Caption Identifies column content. Header Content Customization
Header Image Provides graphical information about column content. Header Image Customization
Customization Area Allows you to display custom content within a column header. Using Customization Area
Header Tooltip Displayed when an end-user hovers the mouse pointer over the column header. Header Tooltip Customization
Filter and Sort Glyphs Enable end-users to filter and sort column values. Inner Column Header Template Customization

Specify Header Style

This section describes how to customize column header’s appearance. For instance, the following image shows a grid column whose header is blue and the filter button is always shown:


Use the BaseColumn.HeaderStyle property to specify a header style. The target element for this style is the BaseGridHeader class. The code sample below demonstrates how to use this style:

<dxg:GridColumn FieldName="CategoryName">
      <Style TargetType="dxg:BaseGridHeader">
         <Setter Property="dxg:BaseGridColumnHeader.ShowFilterButtonOnHover" Value="False" />
         <Setter Property="Background" Value="LightSkyBlue" />

The following code shows how to specify the style for all column headers within the current GridControl’s view:

   <Style TargetType="dxg:GridColumnHeader">
      <Setter Property="dxg:BaseGridColumnHeader.ShowFilterButtonOnHover" Value="False" />
      <Setter Property="Background" Value="LightSkyBlue" />

Customize Header Layout

You can customize a column header layout to rearrange its elements. The following image shows a layout change:


The following code sample demonstrates how to rearrange column header elements as shown in the image above:

   <ControlTemplate x:Key="{dxgt:GridColumnHeaderThemeKey ResourceKey=Layout, IsThemeIndependent=True}">            
            <ColumnDefinition Width="*"></ColumnDefinition>
            <ColumnDefinition Width="4"></ColumnDefinition>
         <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
            <ContentControl Name="PART_Filter" VerticalAlignment="Center" />
            <ContentControl Name="PART_Content" VerticalAlignment="Center" Margin="5,0,0,0" />
            <dxg:SortIndicatorControl Name="PART_SortIndicator" Visibility="Collapsed" />
            <Image Source="{Binding Image}" Margin="10,4,0,4" />
         <dxg:GridThumb Name="PART_Thumb" Cursor="SizeWE" />

Perform the following steps to customize a column header layout:

  1. Specify a theme resource value manually by adding a template with the corresponding key to resources (the data context for this template is the BaseColumn class):

       <ControlTemplate x:Key="{dxgt:GridColumnHeaderThemeKey ResourceKey=Layout, IsThemeIndependent=True}">
  2. To specify individual themes’ appearance, create templates for each theme and set each template’s ThemeName property accordingly:

    <ControlTemplate x:Key="{dxgt:GridColumnHeaderThemeKey ResourceKey=Layout,ThemeName=Office2016}">
    <ControlTemplate x:Key="{dxgt:GridColumnHeaderThemeKey ResourceKey=Layout,ThemeName=MetropolisDark}">
  3. Specify the required column header layout using panel elements (for example, StackPanel, DockPanel, Grid, etc.):

    <ControlTemplate x:Key="{dxgt:GridColumnHeaderThemeKey ResourceKey=Layout, IsThemeIndependent=True}">
  4. Add the required elements to the specified layout. You can use predefined elements with the following names:

    • PART_Content - a column header content.
    • PART_Filter - a filter button.
    • PART_SortIndicator - a sort glyph.
    • PART_Thumb - a thumb that is used to resize columns.


Printing Styles And Templates

Use the following printing styles and templates to customize a column header when the GridControl is printed:

See the How to: Use Custom Printing Templates example to learn more.
