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DevExpress Tree View for .NET MAUI

The DevExpress Mobile UI for .NET MAUI suite contains the DXTreeView component that allows you to display hierarchical data items.

DevExpress Tree View for MAUI - Preview

Tree View Elements (Anatomy)

The following figure shows basic elements of a Tree View:

DevExpress Tree View for MAUI - Anatomy

Add a Tree View to a Page

Download and install the DevExpress.Maui.TreeView package from the DevExpress NuGet Gallery to obtain the DXTreeView component. For more information on how to build your first .NET MAUI app, refer to the following help topic: Get Started.

<ContentPage ...
    <dx:DXTreeView ItemsSource="{Binding Data}">

Next Steps

Display Hierarchical Data
This help topic describes how to populate a Tree View with items.
Filter and Sort Data
This help topic explains how to shape Tree View item data.
Collapse and Expand Nodes
This help topic explains how to collapse and expand Tree View nodes.
Swipe Gestures
This topic explains how to show swipe elements and perform custom actions when a user swipes a Tree View node.
Customize Appearance
Lists API members that you can use to change the appearance and layout of the DXTreeView control and its items.