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The built-in drill-down capability allows end-users to change the detail level of data displayed in dashboard items on the fly. To learn more about drill-down concepts common to all dashboard items, see the Drill-Down topic.

When drill-down is enabled, an end-user can click a gauge to view the details.


When Master Filtering is enabled, an end-user can view the details by double-clicking a gauge.

Drill-down requires that the Series section contains several dimensions, from the least detailed to the most detailed dimension.



In OLAP mode, you can perform drill-down for either a hierarchy data item or several dimension attributes. To learn more about OLAP mode, see Bind Dashboard Items to Data in OLAP Mode.

To enable drill-down, click the Drill Down button in the Interactivity group on the Data Ribbon tab of the Gauges Tools contextual tab set (or the DataShaping_Interactivity_DrillDown_Toolbar button if you are using the toolbar menu).


To return to the previous detail level (drill up), use the Drill Up (DrillDown_DrillUpArrow) button in the caption of the Gauge dashboard item, or the Drill Up command in the context menu.

In code, use the KpiDashboardItem`1.InteractivityOptions property to access interactivity settings. This property returns the DashboardItemInteractivityOptions object.

To enable drill-down, set the DashboardItemInteractivityOptions.IsDrillDownEnabled property to true.