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RichEditBarItemNames Properties

Contains names of built-in items.
Name Description
AddParagraphsToTableOfContentsMenu static Gets the Add Paragraphs to Table of Contents Menu item’s name.
AddSpacingAfterParagraph static Gets the Add Spacing After Paragraph item’s name.
AddSpacingBeforeParagraph static Gets the Add Spacing Before Paragraph item’s name.
AutoFitContents static Gets the Auto Fit Contents item’s name.
AutoFitWindow static Gets the Auto Fit Window item’s name.
BandedColumns static Gets the Banded Columns item’s name.
BandedRows static Gets the Banded Rows item’s name.
BringForward static Gets the Bring Forward item’s name.
BringForwardMenu static Gets the Bring Forward Menu item’s name.
BringInFrontOfText static Gets the Bring in Front of Text item’s name.
BringToFront static Gets the Bring to Front item’s name.
BulletList static Gets the Bullet List item’s name.
CapitalizeEachWord static Gets the Capitalize Each Word item’s name.
CellAlignmentMenu static Gets the Cell Alignment Menu item’s name.
ChangeCaseMenu static Gets the Change Case Menu item’s name.
ClearFormatting static Gets the Clear Formatting item’s name.
ClipboardMenu static Gets the Clipboard Menu item’s name.
ClosePageHeaderFooter static Gets the Close Page Header Footer item’s name.
CopySelection static Gets the Copy Selection item’s name.
CutSelection static Gets the Cut Selection item’s name.
DecreaseIndent static Gets the Decrease Indent item’s name.
DeleteTable static Gets the Delete Table item’s name.
DeleteTableColumns static Gets the Delete Table Columns item’s name.
DeleteTableElementsMenu static Gets the Delete Table Elements Menu item’s name.
DeleteTableRows static Gets the Delete Table Rows item’s name.
DifferentFirstPage static Gets the Different First Page item’s name.
DifferentOddAndEvenPages static Gets the Different Odd and Even Pages item’s name.
DownloadDocx static Gets the Download Docx item’s name.
DownloadHtml static Gets the Download Html item’s name.
DownloadMenu static Gets the Download Menu item’s name.
DownloadRtf static Gets the Download Rtf item’s name.
DownloadTxt static Gets the Download Txt item’s name.
Find static Gets the Find item’s name.
FirstColumn static Gets the First Column item’s name.
FirstRecord static Gets the First Record item’s name.
FixedColumnWidth static Gets the Fixed Column Width item’s name.
FloatingObjectFillColor static Gets the Floating Object Fill Color item’s name.
FloatingObjectOutlineColor static Gets the Floating Object Outline Color item’s name.
FloatingObjectOutlineWidth static Gets the Floating Object Outline Width item’s name.
FontBold static Gets the Font Bold item’s name.
FontColor static Gets the Font Color item’s name.
FontItalic static Gets the Font Italic item’s name.
FontName static Gets the Font Name item’s name.
FontScriptMenu static Gets the Font Script Menu item’s name.
FontSize static Gets the Font Size item’s name.
FontStrikeout static Gets the Font Strikeout item’s name.
FontSubscript static Gets the Font Subscript item’s name.
FontSuperscript static Gets the Font Superscript item’s name.
FontUnderline static Gets the Font Underline item’s name.
FooterOffset static Gets the Footer Offset item’s name.
FullScreen static Gets the Full Screen item’s name.
GoToNextHeaderFooter static Gets the Go to Next Header Footer item’s name.
GoToPageFooter static Gets the Go to Page Footer item’s name.
GoToPageHeader static Gets the Go to Page Header item’s name.
GoToPreviousHeaderFooter static Gets the Go to Previous Header Footer item’s name.
HeaderOffset static Gets the Header Offset item’s name.
HeaderRow static Gets the Header Row item’s name.
HighlightText static Gets the Highlight Text item’s name.
IncreaseIndent static Gets the Increase Indent item’s name.
IndentMenu static Gets the Indent Menu item’s name.
InsertCaptionMenu static Gets the Insert Caption Menu item’s name.
InsertColumnBreak static Gets the Insert Column Break item’s name.
InsertDateField static Gets the Insert Date Field item’s name.
InsertDocVariableField static Gets the Insert Doc Variable Field item’s name.
InsertEquationCaptionField static Gets the Insert Equation Caption Field item’s name.
InsertFieldMenu static Gets the Insert Field Menu item’s name.
InsertFigureCaptionField static Gets the Insert Figure Caption Field item’s name.
InsertInlinePicture static Gets the Insert Inline Picture item’s name.
InsertMergeField static Gets the Insert Merge Field item’s name.
InsertNumpagesField static Gets the Insert Numpages Field item’s name.
InsertPageBreak static Gets the Insert Page Break item’s name.
InsertPageCount static Gets the Insert Page Count item’s name.
InsertPageField static Gets the Insert Page Field item’s name.
InsertPageFooter static Gets the Insert Page Footer item’s name.
InsertPageHeader static Gets the Insert Page Header item’s name.
InsertPageNumber static Gets the Insert Page Number item’s name.
InsertSectionBreakEvenPage static Gets the Insert Section Break Even Page item’s name.
InsertSectionBreakNextPage static Gets the Insert Section Break Next Page item’s name.
InsertSectionBreakOddPage static Gets the Insert Section Break Odd Page item’s name.
InsertTableCaptionField static Gets the Insert Table Caption Field item’s name.
InsertTableColumnToTheLeft static Gets the Insert Table Column to the Left item’s name.
InsertTableColumnToTheRight static Gets the Insert Table Column to the Right item’s name.
InsertTableElementsMenu static Gets the Insert Table Elements Menu item’s name.
InsertTableOfContentsField static Gets the Insert Table of Contents Field item’s name.
InsertTableOfEquationsField static Gets the Insert Table of Equations Field item’s name.
InsertTableOfFiguresField static Gets the Insert Table of Figures Field item’s name.
InsertTableOfTablesField static Gets the Insert Table of Tables Field item’s name.
InsertTableRowAbove static Gets the Insert Table Row Above item’s name.
InsertTableRowBelow static Gets the Insert Table Row Below item’s name.
InsertTextBox static Gets the Insert Text Box item’s name.
InsertTimeField static Gets the Insert Time Field item’s name.
LastColumn static Gets the Last Column item’s name.
LastRecord static Gets the Last Record item’s name.
LineSpacingDouble static Gets the Line Spacing Double item’s name.
LineSpacingMenu static Gets the Line Spacing Menu item’s name.
LineSpacingSesquialteral static Gets the Line Spacing Sesquialteral item’s name.
LineSpacingSingle static Gets the Line Spacing Single item’s name.
LinkToPreviousHeaderFooter static Gets the Link to Previous Header Footer item’s name.
Lowercase static Gets the Lowercase item’s name.
MarginsModerate static Gets the Margins Moderate item’s name.
MarginsNarrow static Gets the Margins Narrow item’s name.
MarginsNormal static Gets the Margins Normal item’s name.
MarginsWide static Gets the Margins Wide item’s name.
MergeTableCells static Gets the Merge Table Cells item’s name.
MultilevelList static Gets the Multilevel List item’s name.
NewDocument static Gets the New Document item’s name.
NextRecord static Gets the Next Record item’s name.
NumberedList static Gets the Numbered List item’s name.
NumberingMenu static Gets the Numbering Menu item’s name.
OneColumn static Gets the One Column item’s name.
OpenDocument static Gets the Open Document item’s name.
PageBreaksMenu static Gets the Page Breaks Menu item’s name.
PageColor static Gets the Page Color item’s name.
PageColumnsMenu static Gets the Page Columns Menu item’s name.
PageMarginsMenu static Gets the Page Margins Menu item’s name.
PageOrientationLandscape static Gets the Page Orientation Landscape item’s name.
PageOrientationMenu static Gets the Page Orientation Menu item’s name.
PageOrientationPortrait static Gets the Page Orientation Portrait item’s name.
PaperSizeA4 static Gets the Paper Size A4 item’s name.
PaperSizeA5 static Gets the Paper Size A5 item’s name.
PaperSizeA6 static Gets the Paper Size A6 item’s name.
PaperSizeB5 static Gets the Paper Size B5 item’s name.
PaperSizeExecutive static Gets the Paper Size Executive item’s name.
PaperSizeFolio static Gets the Paper Size Folio item’s name.
PaperSizeLegal static Gets the Paper Size Legal item’s name.
PaperSizeLetter static Gets the Paper Size Letter item’s name.
PaperSizeMenu static Gets the Paper Size Menu item’s name.
ParagraphAlignmentCenter static Gets the Paragraph Alignment Center item’s name.
ParagraphAlignmentJustify static Gets the Paragraph Alignment Justify item’s name.
ParagraphAlignmentLeft static Gets the Paragraph Alignment Left item’s name.
ParagraphAlignmentMenu static Gets the Paragraph Alignment Menu item’s name.
ParagraphAlignmentRight static Gets the Paragraph Alignment Right item’s name.
ParagraphBodyTextLevel static Gets the Paragraph Body Text Level item’s name.
ParagraphHeading1Level static Gets the Paragraph Heading 1 Level item’s name.
ParagraphHeading2Level static Gets the Paragraph Heading 2 Level item’s name.
ParagraphHeading3Level static Gets the Paragraph Heading 3 Level item’s name.
ParagraphHeading4Level static Gets the Paragraph Heading 4 Level item’s name.
ParagraphHeading5Level static Gets the Paragraph Heading 5 Level item’s name.
ParagraphHeading6Level static Gets the Paragraph Heading 6 Level item’s name.
ParagraphHeading7Level static Gets the Paragraph Heading 7 Level item’s name.
ParagraphHeading8Level static Gets the Paragraph Heading 8 Level item’s name.
ParagraphHeading9Level static Gets the Paragraph Heading 9 Level item’s name.
ParagraphShading static Gets the Paragraph Shading item’s name.
ParagraphStyles static Gets the Paragraph Styles item’s name.
Paste static Gets the Paste item’s name.
PositionBottomCenter static Gets the Position Bottom Center item’s name.
PositionBottomLeft static Gets the Position Bottom Left item’s name.
PositionBottomRight static Gets the Position Bottom Right item’s name.
PositionMenu static Gets the Position Menu item’s name.
PositionMiddleCenter static Gets the Position Middle Center item’s name.
PositionMiddleLeft static Gets the Position Middle Left item’s name.
PositionMiddleRight static Gets the Position Middle Right item’s name.
PositionTopCenter static Gets the Position Top Center item’s name.
PositionTopLeft static Gets the Position Top Left item’s name.
PositionTopRight static Gets the Position Top Right item’s name.
PreviousRecord static Gets the Previous Record item’s name.
PrintDocument static Gets the Print Document item’s name.
Redo static Gets the Redo item’s name.
RemoveSpacingAfterParagraph static Gets the Remove Spacing After Paragraph item’s name.
RemoveSpacingBeforeParagraph static Gets the Remove Spacing Before Paragraph item’s name.
Replace static Gets the Replace item’s name.
SaveDocument static Gets the Save Document item’s name.
SelectTable static Gets the Select Table item’s name.
SelectTableCell static Gets the Select Table Cell item’s name.
SelectTableColumn static Gets the Select Table Column item’s name.
SelectTableElementsMenu static Gets the Select Table Elements Menu item’s name.
SelectTableRow static Gets the Select Table Row item’s name.
SendBackward static Gets the Send Backward item’s name.
SendBackwardMenu static Gets the Send Backward Menu item’s name.
SendBehindText static Gets the Send Behind Text item’s name.
SendToBack static Gets the Send to Back item’s name.
SentenceCase static Gets the Sentence Case item’s name.
ShowAllFieldCodes static Gets the Show All Field Codes item’s name.
ShowAllFieldResults static Gets the Show All Field Results item’s name.
ShowBookmarkDialog static Gets the Show Bookmark Dialog item’s name.
ShowDeleteCellsDialog static Gets the Show Delete Cells Dialog item’s name.
ShowHiddenSymbols static Gets the Show Hidden Symbols item’s name.
ShowHorizontalRuler static Gets the Show Horizontal Ruler item’s name.
ShowHyperlinkDialog static Gets the Show Hyperlink Dialog item’s name.
ShowInsertMergeFieldDialog static Gets the Show Insert Merge Field Dialog item’s name.
ShowInsertTableDialog static Gets the Show Insert Table Dialog item’s name.
ShowMailMergeDialog static Gets the Show Mail Merge Dialog item’s name.
ShowPageMarginsSetupDialog static Gets the Show Page Margins Setup Dialog item’s name.
ShowPagePaperSetupDialog static Gets the Show Page Paper Setup Dialog item’s name.
ShowSplitCellsDialog static Gets the Show Split Cells Dialog item’s name.
ShowTableGridlines static Gets the Show Table Gridlines item’s name.
SwitchToPrintLayout static Gets the Switch to Print Layout item’s name.
SwitchToSimpleView static Gets the Switch to Simple View item’s name.
TableAutoFitMenu static Gets the Table Auto Fit Menu item’s name.
TableBorderColor static Gets the Table Border Color item’s name.
TableBordersMenu static Gets the Table Borders Menu item’s name.
TableBorderStyle static Gets the Table Border Style item’s name.
TableBorderWidth static Gets the Table Border Width item’s name.
TableCellAlignBottomCenter static Gets the Table Cell Align Bottom Center item’s name.
TableCellAlignBottomLeft static Gets the Table Cell Align Bottom Left item’s name.
TableCellAlignBottomRight static Gets the Table Cell Align Bottom Right item’s name.
TableCellAlignMiddleCenter static Gets the Table Cell Align Middle Center item’s name.
TableCellAlignMiddleLeft static Gets the Table Cell Align Middle Left item’s name.
TableCellAlignMiddleRight static Gets the Table Cell Align Middle Right item’s name.
TableCellAlignTopCenter static Gets the Table Cell Align Top Center item’s name.
TableCellAlignTopLeft static Gets the Table Cell Align Top Left item’s name.
TableCellAlignTopRight static Gets the Table Cell Align Top Right item’s name.
TableCellAllBorders static Gets the Table Cell All Borders item’s name.
TableCellBottomBorder static Gets the Table Cell Bottom Border item’s name.
TableCellInsideBorders static Gets the Table Cell Inside Borders item’s name.
TableCellInsideHorizontalBorders static Gets the Table Cell Inside Horizontal Borders item’s name.
TableCellInsideVerticalBorders static Gets the Table Cell Inside Vertical Borders item’s name.
TableCellLeftBorder static Gets the Table Cell Left Border item’s name.
TableCellNoBorder static Gets the Table Cell No Border item’s name.
TableCellOutsideBorders static Gets the Table Cell Outside Borders item’s name.
TableCellRightBorder static Gets the Table Cell Right Border item’s name.
TableCellShading static Gets the Table Cell Shading item’s name.
TableCellTopBorder static Gets the Table Cell Top Border item’s name.
TableOfFiguresMenu static Gets the Table of Figures Menu item’s name.
TableOptionsMenu static Gets the Table Options Menu item’s name.
TableStyles static Gets the Table Styles item’s name.
TextWrapBehindText static Gets the Text Wrap Behind Text item’s name.
TextWrapInFrontOfText static Gets the Text Wrap in Front of Text item’s name.
TextWrapInline static Gets the Text Wrap Inline item’s name.
TextWrapMenu static Gets the Text Wrap Menu item’s name.
TextWrapSquare static Gets the Text Wrap Square item’s name.
TextWrapThrough static Gets the Text Wrap Through item’s name.
TextWrapTight static Gets the Text Wrap Tight item’s name.
TextWrapTopAndBottom static Gets the Text Wrap Top and Bottom item’s name.
ThreeColumns static Gets the Three Columns item’s name.
ToggleCase static Gets the Toggle Case item’s name.
TotalRow static Gets the Total Row item’s name.
TwoColumns static Gets the Two Columns item’s name.
Undo static Gets the Undo item’s name.
UndoMenu static Gets the Undo Menu item’s name.
UpdateAllFields static Gets the Update All Fields item’s name.
UpdateTableOfContents static Gets the Update Table of Contents item’s name.
Uppercase static Gets the Uppercase item’s name.
ViewMergedData static Gets the View Merged Data item’s name.
See Also