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DevExpress v24.2 Update — Your Feedback Matters

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Keyboard Support in Blazor Scheduler

  • 2 minutes to read

DevExpress Blazor Scheduler supports keyboard shortcuts that allow users to navigate through toolbar items and appointments, and execute built-in commands. Keyboard navigation is implemented on the client and server.

Scheduler - Keyboard Navigation

Run Demo: Scheduler - Overview

#Keyboard Shortcuts

The image below shows navigation areas available in the Scheduler component:

Scheduler - Navigation Areas

The following shortcut keys are available:

Shortcut Keys



Move focus between elements within the toolbar.

Shift + Tab

Move focus between navigation areas and appointments within the body area.




Shows the extended edit form for a new appointment.


When a changed occurrence is focused, reverts it to a regular occurrence.

The built-in toolbar, popups, and data editors include their own navigation shortcuts. Refer to the following help topic for more information on keyboard support in various DevExpress Blazor components: Accessibility - Keyboard Support.