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RichEditBuilder Methods

A builder for the Rich Text Editor.
Name Description
Authentication(Action<AuthenticationSettingsBuilder>) Specifies authentication settings.
AutoCorrect(Action<AutoCorrectSettingsBuilder>) Specifies what autocorrect features are enabled.
Bookmarks(Action<BookmarksSettingsBuilder>) Specifies the bookmarks’ appearance.
ConfirmOnLosingChanges(Action<ConfirmOnLosingChangesBuilder>) Allows you to customize settings of a confirmation message that can be displayed when any unsaved data changes are going to be lost.
ContextMenu(Action<ContextMenuBuilder>) Allows you to configure context menu settings.
CssClassName(String) Sets a specified CSS class to be applied to the Rich Text Editor.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
ExportUrl(String) Specifies the path where the exported document is sent for saving.
Fields(Action<FieldsSettingsBuilder>) Specifies the fields‘ settings.
Fonts(Action<FontsSettingsBuilder>) Specifies font settings.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
Height(Int32) Specifies the Rich Text Editor’s height on the page.
Height(String) Specifies the Rich Text Editor’s height on the page.
MailMerge(Action<MailMergeSettingsBuilder>) Allows you to configure MailMerge settings.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
Name(String) Specifies an identifier for the element representing the Rich Text Editor on the page.
Nonce(String) Specifies the nonce attribute for the HTML markup the Rich Text Editor generates.
OnActiveSubDocumentChanged(String) Assigns an event handler to the ActiveSubDocumentChanged event.
OnAutoCorrect(String) Assigns an event handler to the AutoCorrect event.
OnCalculateDocumentVariable(String) Assigns an event handler to the CalculateDocumentVariable event.
OnCalculateDocumentVariableAsync(String) Assigns an event handler to the CalculateDocumentVariableAsync event.
OnCharacterPropertiesChanged(String) Assigns an event handler to the CharacterPropertiesChanged event.
OnCommandStateChanged(String) Assigns an event handler to the CommandStateChanged event.
OnContentInserted(String) Assigns an event handler to the ContentInserted event.
OnContentRemoved(String) Assigns an event handler to the ContentRemoved event.
OnContextMenuShowing(String) Assigns an event handler to the ContextMenuShowing event.
OnCustomCommandExecuted(String) Assigns an event handler to the CustomCommandExecuted event.
OnDocumentChanged(String) Assigns an event handler to the DocumentChanged event.
OnDocumentFormatted(String) Assigns an event handler to the DocumentFormatted event.
OnDocumentLoaded(String) Assigns an event handler to a client event that occurs when a document model is loaded into the control.
OnGotFocus(String) Assigns an event handler to the GotFocus event.
OnHyperlinkClick(String) Assigns an event handler to the HyperlinkClick event.
OnInit(String) Assigns an event handler to a client event that occurs when the Rich Text Editor is initialized.
OnKeyDown(String) Assigns an event handler to the KeyDown event.
OnKeyUp(String) Assigns an event handler to the KeyUp event.
OnLostFocus(String) Assigns an event handler to the LostFocus event.
OnParagraphPropertiesChanged(String) Assigns an event handler to the ParagraphPropertiesChanged event.
OnPdfExported(String) Assigns an event handler to the PdfExported event.
OnPdfExporting(String) Assigns an event handler to the PdfExporting event.
OnPointerDown(String) Assigns an event handler to the PointerDown event.
OnPointerUp(String) Assigns an event handler to the PointerUp event.
OnSaved(String) Assigns an event handler to the Saved event.
OnSaving(String) Assigns an event handler to the Saving event.
OnSelectionChanged(String) Assigns an event handler to the SelectionChanged event.
Open(Func<Byte[]>, DocumentFormat, String) Opens a document specified by an array of bytes.
Open(Func<Stream>, DocumentFormat, String) Opens a document specified by a stream.
Open(String, DocumentFormat) Opens a document by the specified path.
Open(String) Opens a document by the specified path.
Pdf(Action<PdfSettingsBuilder>) Specifies PDF export settings.
Printing(Action<PrintingSettingsBuilder>) Specifies the printing settings.
RangePermissions(Action<RangePermissionsSettingsBuilder>) Specifies range permission settings.
ReadOnly(Boolean) Specifies whether an end-user can change the Rich Text Editor contents at runtime.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
Ribbon(Action<RichEditRibbonSettingsBuilder>) Allows you to customize the ribbon element.
Search(Action<SearchSettingsBuilder>) Specifies search settings.
SpellCheck(Action<SpellCheckBuilder>) Specifies spell check settings.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.
Unit(Unit) Sets the unit for dimensions in dialogs.
Views(Action<ViewsSettingsBuilder>) Specifies the Rich Text Editor’s view mode.
Width(Int32) Specifies the Rich Text Editor’s width on the page.
Width(String) Specifies the Rich Text Editor’s width on the page.
WriteTo(TextWriter, HtmlEncoder) Writes this Rich Text Editor to the writer.
See Also