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Batch Edit Mode

  • 4 minutes to read

The Bootstrap Grid View control allows you to modify a batch of grid data on the client side and send it to the server in a single request. All user changes are maintained on the client side until an end-user explicitly saves or cancels them using the corresponding buttons displayed within the grid’s Status Bar. To enable the batch editing functionality, set the ASPxGridViewEditingSettings.Mode property to Batch.

In this mode, data displayed on the current grid page can be edited using in-line editors. The GridViewBatchEditSettings.EditMode property allows you to specify which control element (a data cell or data row) is used to edit data.


#Prevent User Editing

To prevent an end-user from editing column cells, set a column’s GridColumnEditFormSettings.Visible property to false. In this case, column cells cannot be switched to the edit mode. When an end-user navigates through cells using the TAB key, column cells are skipped.


Since data modification is performed on the client side in batch edit mode, the server-side ASPxGridView.StartEdit and ASPxGridView.AddNewRow methods are not in effect. Additionally, the client-side ASPxClientGridView.AddNewRow method does not perform a callback.

#Confirmation on Losing Changes

If the grid contains modified data, it displays a “confirm” message before a grid callback or postback is performed. You can customize the message text using the ASPxGridTextSettings.ConfirmOnLosingBatchChanges property or disable it by setting the GridBatchEditSettings.ShowConfirmOnLosingChanges property to false.


Since row selection is based on row keys, and newly created rows do not exist in the grid (have no row keys), these newly created rows cannot be selected until they are saved. That’s why select check boxes of the newly created rows are disabled until they are saved.

#Preview Changes Before Saving

You can preview and modify inserted, deleted and edited rows before you click the Save changes button and the control sends these changes to the server.

Set the KeepChangesOnCallbacks property to true to show the Preview changes button. This button allows you to display modified rows grouped by user operation type (delete, add, edit) and modify them. The Save changes or Cancel changes buttons allow you to end batch editing and save/cancel changes. To close the Changes Preview mode and display all grid rows (including modified ones), click Hide preview.

Changes Preview Mode

#Batch Edit Mode Events

In batch edit mode, you can use the GridViewClientSideEvents.BatchEditStartEditing and GridViewClientSideEvents.BatchEditEndEditing events to perform custom actions when grid editing starts and ends, respectively.

#Batch Edit Mode Limitations

There are BootstrapGridView control features and API members that are not in effect in batch edit mode. All user changes are stored on the client-side.

#Unsupported features

The features below are not supported when the grid is in batch edit mode:

#Unsupported server-side API

The following BootstrapGridView members are not in effect when the grid is in batch edit mode:

You can use the client-side API instead of the unsupported server-side API to implement the tasks listed above.

#Unsupported client-side API