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Spin Edit

  • 3 minutes to read

The BootstrapSpinEdit control allows end-users to edit numeric values easily by incrementing and decrementing edit values, using spin buttons, a mouse wheel or keyboard.


Bootstrap Spin Edit offers the following features:

  • Customizable Button Visibility and Positions

    The SpinButtons.ShowIncrementButtons and SpinButtons.ShowLargeIncrementButtons properties control the visibility of spin buttons.

    BootstrapSpinEdit View

    Affected Properties


    ShowIncrementButtons = True

    ShowLargeIncrementButtons = True


    ShowIncrementButtons = True

    ShowLargeIncrementButtons = False


    ShowIncrementButtons = False

    ShowLargeIncrementButtons = True

  • Float or Integer Value Editing

    Bootstrap Spin Edit supports the float and integer editing modes that are controlled by the ASPxSpinEdit.NumberType property. In integer mode (when the NumberType property is set to Integer), float value input is disabled, and float values displayed within the editor are automatically rounded after they have been modified. In float mode, culture-specific separators are supported, allowing decimal separators to display uniquely in various cultures. You can define the number of decimal places with the ASPxSpinEdit.DecimalPlaces property.

    BootstrapSpinEdit View

    Affected Properties


    NumberType = Integer


    NumberType = Float

    DecimalPlaces = 2

    Increment = 10.253

  • Customizable Increment/Decrement Values

    When an end-user presses a small or large spin button, the ASPxSpinEdit.Number property value is incremented or decremented by the amount specified via ASPxSpinEdit.Increment or ASPxSpinEdit.LargeIncrement properties respectively.

  • Customizable Minimum and Maximum Values

    You can define the minimum and maximum allowed values via the ASPxSpinEdit.MinValue and ASPxSpinEdit.MaxValue properties; this limits end-user input to the specified range.

  • Out of Range Warning

    The BootstrapSpinEdit editor displays a warning message when an end-user types a date that is out of the range specified by the ASPxSpinEdit.MinValue and ASPxSpinEdit.MaxValue properties if the ASPxSpinEdit.ShowOutOfRangeWarning property is set to true.


  • Mouse Wheel and Keyboard Support

    End-users can change the Spin Edit value via a mouse wheel and keyboard (the ARROW UP and ARROW DOWN keys - for small increments/decrements; the CTRL+ARROW UP and CTRL+ARROW DOWN or PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN keys - for large increments/decrements).

  • Auto-Repeat Functionality

    When end-users press and hold a spin button, it results in the continuous incrementing/decrementing of the editor value. The auto-repeat functionality is also available when end-users press the UP and DOWN keys to increment or decrement a value.

  • Full-Featured Client-Side API

    Bootstrap Spin Edit provides you with a comprehensive client-side API. This API is implemented using JavaScript and is exposed via the BootstrapClientSpinEdit object. The BootstrapClientSpinEdit object serves as a client-side equivalent of the BootstrapSpinEdit control.

    You can operate with the editor values using the following methods:

    Method Description
    ASPxClientSpinEdit.GetMaxValue Gets the maximum value of the editor.
    ASPxClientSpinEdit.GetMinValue Gets the minimum value of the editor.
    ASPxClientSpinEdit.GetNumber Gets a number which represents the spin editor’s value.
    ASPxClientSpinEdit.GetText Returns the text displayed within the editor.
    ASPxClientSpinEdit.SetMaxValue Sets the maximum value of the editor.
    ASPxClientSpinEdit.SetMinValue Sets the minimum value of the editor.
    ASPxClientSpinEdit.SetNumber Sets the spin editor’s value.