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ASPxClientWebChartHitInfo Members

Contains information about a specific test point within a chart control, on the client side.


Name Description
annotation Gets the client-side annotation instance from under the test point.
axis Gets the client-side axis instance from under the test point.
axisLabelItem Gets the client-side axis label item instance from under the test point.
axisTitle Gets the client-side axis title instance from under the test point.
chart Gets the client-side chart instance from under the test point.
chartTitle Gets the client-side chart title instance from under the test point.
constantLine Gets the client-side constant line instance from under the test point.
customLegendItem Gets a custom legend item which is located under the test point.
diagram Gets the client-side diagram instance from under the test point.
fibonacciIndicator Obsolete. Gets the client-side Fibonacci indicator instance from under the test point.
hyperlink Returns a hyperlink which is located under the test point.
inAnnotation Gets a value indicating whether the test point is within an annotation.
inAxis Gets a value indicating whether the test point is within the axis.
inAxisLabelItem Gets a value indicating whether the test point is within the axis label item.
inAxisTitle Gets a value indicating whether the test point is within the axis title.
inChart Gets a value indicating whether the test point is within the chart.
inChartTitle Gets a value indicating whether the test point is within the chart title.
inConstantLine Gets a value indicating whether the test point is within the constant line.
inCustomLegendItem Gets the value indicating whether or not the test point is within a custom legend item.
inDiagram Gets a value indicating whether the test point is within the diagram.
indicator Gets the client-side indicator instance from under the test point.
inFibonacciIndicator Obsolete. Gets a value indicating whether the test point is within the Fibonacci Indicator.
inHyperlink Gets a value indicating whether the test point is within a hyperlink.
inIndicator Gets a value specifying whether the test point is within an indicator.
inLegend Gets a value indicating whether the test point is within the legend.
inNonDefaultPane Gets a value indicating whether the test point is within the non-default pane.
inPaneTitle Returns the value that indicates whether the test point is within the pane title.
inRegressionLine Obsolete. Gets a value indicating whether the test point is within the regression line.
inSeries Gets a value indicating whether the test point is within the series.
inSeriesLabel Gets a value indicating whether the test point is within the series label.
inSeriesPoint Gets a value indicating whether the test point is within the series point.
inSeriesTitle Gets a value indicating whether the test point is within the series title.
inTotalLabel Gets a value that indicates whether the test point is within the total label.
inTrendLine Obsolete. Gets a value indicating whether the test point is within the trendline.
legend Gets the client-side legend instance from under the test point.
nonDefaultPane Gets the client-side non-default pane instance from under the test point.
paneTitle Gets the client-side pane title instance from under the test point.
regressionLine Obsolete. Gets the client-side regression line instance from under the test point.
series Gets the client-side series instance from under the test point.
seriesLabel Gets the client-side series label instance from under the test point.
seriesPoint Gets the client-side series point instance from under the test point.
seriesTitle Gets the client-side series title instance from under the test point.
totalLabel Gets the client-side total label instance located at the test point.
trendLine Obsolete. Gets the client-side trendline instance from under the test point.
See Also