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ASPxClientHtmlEditor.CustomDataCallback Event

Fires after a callback, sent by the ASPxClientHtmlEditor.PerformDataCallback method, has been processed within the ASPxHtmlEditor.CustomDataCallback event handler.


CustomDataCallback: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientCustomDataCallbackEventHandler<ASPxClientHtmlEditor>>

#Event Data

The CustomDataCallback event's data class is ASPxClientCustomDataCallbackEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
result Gets a string that contains specific information (if any) that has been passed from the server to the client side for further processing, related to the CustomCallback event.


To asynchronously go to the server and perform some server-side processing using AJAX-based callback technology, use the ASPxClientHtmlEditor.PerformDataCallback method. This method posts back to the server using the callback technology, and generates a server-side ASPxHtmlEditor.CustomDataCallback event.

After the callback has been processed in the ASPxHtmlEditor.CustomDataCallback event handler, the resulting information is passed back to the client-side CustomDataCallback event. This information can be obtained via the ASPxClientCustomDataCallbackEventArgs.result parameter.

See Also