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ASPxClientHtmlEditor Events
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Represents a client-side equivalent of the ASPxHtmlEditor control.
Name Description
ActiveTabChanged Fires on the client side after the active tab has been changed within a control.
ActiveTabChanging Fires on the client side before the active tab is changed within a control.
BeforePaste Occurs before an HTML code is pasted to editor content, and allows you to modify it.
BeginCallback Occurs when a callback for server-side processing is initiated.
CallbackError Fires on the client if any server error occurs during server-side processing of a callback sent by the ASPxClientHtmlEditor.
CommandExecuted Occurs after a default or custom command has been executed on the client side.
CommandExecuting Occurs before a default or custom command has been executed and allows you to cancel the action.
ContextMenuShowing Occurs on the client side before a context menu is shown.
CustomCommand Enables you to implement a custom command’s logic.
CustomDataCallback Fires after a callback, sent by the ASPxClientHtmlEditor.PerformDataCallback method, has been processed within the ASPxHtmlEditor.CustomDataCallback event handler.
CustomDialogClosed Occurs on the client side after a custom dialog is closed.
CustomDialogClosing Fires on the client side before a custom dialog is closed.
CustomDialogOpened Occurs on the client side after a custom dialog is opened.
DialogClosed Occurs on the client side after a dialog is closed.
DialogClosing Fires on the client side before a dialog is going to be closed.
DialogInitialized Occurs on the client side after a dialog has been initialized.
EndCallback Occurs on the client side after a callback’s server-side processing has been completed.
GotFocus Fires on the client side when the editor’s Design View Area receives input focus.
HtmlChanged Occurs on the client side when the content of the editor changes.
Init Occurs on the client side after the control has been initialized. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase.
LostFocus Fires on the client side when the editor’s Design View Area loses input focus.
SelectionChanged Occurs on the client when a selection is changed within the ASPxHtmlEditor.
SpellingChecked Occurs on the client side after the editor content is spell checked.
Validation Allows you to specify whether the value entered into the ASPxHtmlEditor is valid.
See Also