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Keyboard Shortcuts

  • 8 minutes to read

The following table lists the ASPxRichEdit control’s default keyboard shortcuts and corresponding client-side commands.

The client-side commands are available via the ASPxClientRichEdit.commands property. Call the required command’s execute method to invoke it:


Note, that the selection commands are stored in the ASPxClientRichEdit.selection property. You can execute the corresponding command by calling it:


You can assign custom shortcuts to the client commands using the RichEditCommands.assignShortcut command:

richEdit.commands.assignShortcut.execute(ASPxClientUtils.GetShortcutCode(ASPx.KeyCode.Key_u, false, false, false), function(){richEdit.commands.updateField.execute()})


Shortcut Description Client-side command Note
CTRL+F9 Inserts an empty document field at the current position RichEditCommands.createField  
F9 Updates the field’s result RichEditCommands.updateField  
ALT+F9 Displays field codes instead of fields RichEditCommands.showAllFieldCodes The shortcut replicates the command’s overload without parameters
SHIFT+F9 Displays the selected fields’ field codes RichEditCommands.showFieldCodes The shortcut replicates the command’s overload without parameters
CTRL+SHIFT+F9 Deletes all hyperlinks in a selected range RichEditCommands.deleteHyperlinks  
ALT+SHIFT+D Inserts a DATE field displaying the current date RichEditCommands.createDateField  
ALT+SHIFT+P Inserts a PAGE field displaying the current page number RichEditCommands.createPageField  
ALT+SHIFT+T Inserts a TIME field displaying the current time RichEditCommands.createTimeField  


Shortcut Description Client-side command
CTRL+C, F3 (Mac OS only) Copies the selected text to the clipboard RichEditCommands.copy
CTRL+V, F4 (Mac OS only) Inserts the text from the clipboard RichEditCommands.paste
CTRL+X Cuts the selected text to the clipboard RichEditCommands.cut


Shortcut Description Client-side command Note
CTRL+A Selects the editor’s entire content RichEditSelection.selectAll  
LEFT Moves the cursor to the previous character RichEditSelection.goToPreviousCharacter The shortcut replicates the command’s overload with the parameter set to false
RIGHT Moves the cursor to the next character RichEditSelection.goToNextCharacter The shortcut replicates the command’s overload with the parameter set to false
UP Moves the cursor to the previous line RichEditSelection.goToPreviousLine The shortcut replicates the command’s overload with the parameter set to false
DOWN Moves the cursor to the next line RichEditSelection.goToNextLine The shortcut replicates the command’s overload with the parameter set to false
PAGE UP Moves the cursor to the beginning of the previous page RichEditSelection.goToPreviousPage The shortcut replicates the command’s overload with the parameter set to false
PAGE DOWN Moves the cursor to the beginning of the next page RichEditSelection.goToNextPage The shortcut replicates the command’s overload with the parameter set to false
HOME Moves the cursor to the start of the line in which the cursor is located RichEditSelection.goToLineStart The shortcut replicates the command’s overload with the parameter set to false
END Moves the cursor to the end of the line in which the cursor is located RichEditSelection.goToLineEnd The shortcut replicates the command’s overload with the parameter set to false
SHIFT+LEFT Extends the selection to the previous character RichEditSelection.goToPreviousCharacter The shortcut replicates the command’s overload with the parameter set to true
SHIFT+RIGHT Extends the selection to the next character RichEditSelection.goToNextCharacter The shortcut replicates the command’s overload with the parameter set to true
SHIFT+UP Extends the selection to the previous line RichEditSelection.goToPreviousLine The shortcut replicates the command’s overload with the parameter set to true
SHIFT+DOWN Extends the selection to the next line RichEditSelection.goToNextLine The shortcut replicates the command’s overload with the parameter set to true
SHIFT+PAGE UP Extends the selection up to the previous screen RichEditSelection.goToPreviousPage The shortcut replicates the command’s overload with the parameter set to true
SHIFT+PAGE DOWN Extends the selection up to the next screen RichEditSelection.goToNextPage The shortcut replicates the command’s overload with the parameter set to true
SHIFT+HOME Extends the selection to the start of the line in which the cursor is located RichEditSelection.goToLineStart The shortcut replicates the command’s overload with the parameter set to true
SHIFT+END Extends the selection to the end of the line in which the cursor is located RichEditSelection.goToLineEnd The shortcut replicates the command’s overload with the parameter set to true
CTRL+LEFT Moves the cursor to the previous word RichEditSelection.goToPrevWord The shortcut replicates the command’s overload with the parameter set to false
CTRL+RIGHT Moves the cursor to the next word RichEditSelection.goToNextWord The shortcut replicates the command’s overload with the parameter set to false
CTRL+UP Moves the cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraph RichEditSelection.goToParagraphStart The shortcut replicates the command’s overload with the parameter set to false
CTRL+DOWN Moves the cursor to the beginning of the next paragraph RichEditSelection.goToParagraphEnd The shortcut replicates the command’s overload with the parameter set to false
CTRL+PAGE UP Moves the cursor to the beginning of the previous page RichEditSelection.goToStartPrevPageCommand The shortcut replicates the command’s overload with the parameter set to false
CTRL+PAGE DOWN Moves the cursor to the beginning of the next page RichEditSelection.goToStartNextPageCommand The shortcut replicates the command’s overload with the parameter set to false
CTRL+HOME Moves the cursor to the start of the document RichEditSelection.goToDocumentStart The shortcut replicates the command’s overload with the parameter set to false
CTRL+END Moves the cursor to the end of the document RichEditSelection.goToDocumentEnd The shortcut replicates the command’s overload with the parameter set to false
CTRL+SHIFT+LEFT Extends the selection to the previous word RichEditSelection.goToPrevWord The shortcut replicates the command’s overload with the parameter set to true
CTRL+SHIFT+RIGHT Extends the selection to the next word RichEditSelection.goToNextWord The shortcut replicates the command’s overload with the parameter set to true
CTRL+SHIFT+UP Extends the selection to the beginning of the previous paragraph RichEditSelection.goToParagraphStart The shortcut replicates the command’s overload with the parameter set to true
CTRL+SHIFT+DOWN Extends the selection to the beginning of the next paragraph RichEditSelection.goToParagraphEnd The shortcut replicates the command’s overload with the parameter set to true
CTRL+SHIFT+PAGE UP Extends the selection up to the previous page RichEditSelection.goToStartPrevPageCommand The shortcut replicates the command’s overload with the parameter set to true
CTRL+SHIFT+PAGE DOWN Extends the selection up to the next page RichEditSelection.goToStartNextPageCommand The shortcut replicates the command’s overload with the parameter set to true
CTRL+SHIFT+HOME Extends the selection to the start of the document RichEditSelection.goToDocumentStart The shortcut replicates the command’s overload with the parameter set to true
CTRL+SHIFT+END Extends the selection to the end of the document RichEditSelection.goToDocumentEnd The shortcut replicates the command’s overload with the parameter set to true

#Font Settings

Shortcut Description Client-side command Note
CTRL+I Italicizes the selected characters RichEditCommands.changeFontItalic The shortcut replicates the command’s overload without parameters
CTRL+B Makes the selected characters bold RichEditCommands.changeFontBold The shortcut replicates the command’s overload without parameters
CTRL+U Underlines the selected characters RichEditCommands.changeFontUnderline The shortcut replicates the command’s overload without parameters
CTRL+= Changes the selected characters’ subscript formatting RichEditCommands.changeFontSubscript The shortcut replicates the command’s overload without parameters
CTRL+SHIFT+= Changes the selected characters’ superscript formatting RichEditCommands.changeFontSuperscript The shortcut replicates the command’s overload without parameters

#Paragraph Settings

Shortcut Description Client-side command
CTRL+M Increments the selected paragraphs’ indent level RichEditCommands.increaseIndent
CTRL+SHIFT+M Decrements the selected paragraphs’ indent level RichEditCommands.decreaseIndent
CTRL+1 Formats a current paragraph with single line spacing RichEditCommands.setSingleParagraphSpacing
CTRL+2 Formats a current paragraph with double line spacing RichEditCommands.setDoubleParagraphSpacing
CTRL+5 Formats a current paragraph with one and a half line spacing RichEditCommands.setSesquialteralParagraphSpacing
CTRL+L Toggles left paragraph alignment on and off RichEditCommands.toggleParagraphAlignmentLeft
CTRL+E Toggles centered paragraph alignment on and off RichEditCommands.toggleParagraphAlignmentCenter
CTRL+R Toggles right paragraph alignment on and off RichEditCommands.toggleParagraphAlignmentRight
CTRL+J Toggles justified paragraph alignment on and off RichEditCommands.toggleParagraphAlignmentJustify

#Text formatting

Shortcut Description Client-side command
CTRL+SPACE Resets the selected text’s formatting RichEditCommands.clearFormatting
SHIFT+F3 Switches the selected text’s case RichEditCommands.switchTextCase


Shortcut Description Client-side command
CTRL+N Creates a new empty document RichEditCommands.fileNew
CTRL+O, CTRL+F12 (Windows only) Invokes the File Open dialog RichEditCommands.fileOpenDialog
CTRL+P, CTRL+SHIFT+F12 (Windows only) Invokes the browser-specific Print dialog RichEditCommands.filePrint
CTRL+S, META+SHIFT+S (Mac OS only) Invokes the Save As dialog RichEditCommands.fileSave
CTRL+D Invokes the Font dialog RichEditCommands.changeFontFormatting
CTRL+K Invokes the Hyperlink dialog RichEditCommands.openInsertHyperlinkDialog
F7 Invokes the Spelling dialog RichEditCommands.openSpellingDialog
CTRL+H Invokes the Find and Replace dialog RichEditCommands.openFindAndReplaceDialog
CTRL+F Invokes the Search Panel window RichEditCommands.openFindPanel


Shortcut Description Client-side command Note
F10 Shows ribbon key tips    
F11, CTRL+F10 (Windows only) Toggles the fullscreen mode RichEditCommands.setFullscreen The shortcut replicates the command’s overload without parameters
CTRL+SHIFT+8 Toggles the hidden symbols’ visibility RichEditCommands.showHiddenSymbols  

#Special Characters

Shortcut Description Client-side command Note
ENTER Inserts a paragraph break at the current position RichEditCommands.insertParagraph  
TAB Inserts a tab character at the current position RichEditCommands.insertTab  
SPACE, SHIFT+SPACE (Mac OS only) Inserts a space at the current position RichEditCommands.insertText The shortcut replicates the command executed as follows: richEdit.commands.insertText.execute(" ")
CTRL+SHIFT+SPACE (Windows only), ALT+SHIFT+SPACE (Mac OS only) Inserts a non-breaking space at the current position RichEditCommands.insertNonBreakingSpace  
SHIFT+ENTER Insert a line break at the current position RichEditCommands.insertLineBreak  
CTRL+ENTER Inserts a page break at the current position RichEditCommands.insertPageBreak  
CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER Inserts a column break at the current position RichEditCommands.insertColumnBreak  
SHIFT+TAB Inserts a shift-tab at the current position    


Shortcut Description Client-side command
CTRL+Z, F1 (Mac OS only) Undoes the previous action RichEditCommands.undo
CTRL+Y Redoes the previously undone action. RichEditCommands.redo


Shortcut Description Client-side command
DELETE Deletes the selected text RichEditCommands.delete
BACKSPACE Moves the cursor backwards and erases the character in that space RichEditCommands.backspace
CTRL+DELETE Removes the next word RichEditCommands.removeNextWord
CTRL+BACKSPACE Removes the previous word RichEditCommands.removePrevWord