Document and Operation Restrictions
The ASPxRichEdit control allows you to restrict certain document operations (such as open/save or copy/paste) and document format capabilities (such as character or paragraph formatting) to protect your documents.
View Demo: Document and Operation Restrictions
#Restrict Operations
Use the members accessible via the ASPxRichEdit.Settings.Behavior property to disable or hide specific Rich Text Editor operations.
<dx:ASPxRichEdit ID="richEdit" runat="server" Width="100%">
<Behavior CreateNew="Hidden" SaveAs="Disabled" />
#Restrict Document Format Capabilities
Use the members accessible via the ASPxRichEdit.Settings.DocumentCapabilities property to disable or hide specific Rich Text Editor document format capabilities (such as character/paragraph format, hyperlinks, and section).
<dx:ASPxRichEdit ID="richEdit" runat="server" Width="100%">
<DocumentCapabilities Bookmarks="Disabled" Hyperlinks="Disabled" ParagraphStyle="Hidden" />
#Disable Context Menu
Handle the PopupMenuShowing event and set the cancel property to true
to prevent the context menu.
<dx:ASPxRichEdit ID="richEdit" runat="server" Width="100%" ActiveTabIndex="0">
<ClientSideEvents PopupMenuShowing="function(s, e) {e.cancel = true;}" />
#Document Protection
The ASPxRichEdit control allows users to work with protected documents. See the Document Protection topic and demo for more information.