Supported Document Formats
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The DevExpress ASP.NET Rich Edit control allows you to open and save documents in different formats.
End-users can specify a document’s format using the Rich Edit’s UI. See the ASPxRichEdit: Load and Save online demo.
- You can specify a document’s format using server or client methods with the DocumentFormat parameter. See the Document Management section for details on how to open and save documents programmatically.
The ASPxRichEdit control supports the following file extensions:
- Office Open XML format (aka MS Office 2007 or DOCX)
- Microsoft Word 97-2003 format (DOC)
- Rich Text Format (RTF)
- Plain Text (TXT)
- HyperText markup language (HTML)
- Web page archive format (MHTML)
- OpenDocument format (ODT, implemented by the office suite)
- WordML format (XML)
- Portable document format (PDF - programmatic export only) (See demo: Export to PDF)
You also can open DOT (DOTX) files if you open the file as regular DOC (DOCX) documents as shown in the code snippet below. However, we recommend that you convert template documents to the DOC or DOCX format.
protected void loadDot_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
ASPxRichEdit1.Open(Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/WorkDirectory/"), DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.DocumentFormat.Doc);
If you export rich text to HTML format, elements that are not supported by this format (for instance, floating images, rich list formatting, headers and footers) are lost. We do not recommend that you use HTML format to store documents.