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Value Indicators

  • 2 minutes to read

This topic defines value indicators and explains how to use them in analog gauges (circular and linear).

A Value Indicator is a pointer that allows you to track the changes of a data value or a data range in analog gauges.


Use the gauge Designer to access value indicators at design time.

The following indicators are available depending on the gauge scale:

#Arc Scale Indicators

A list of circular gauge indicators is shown below. It includes:

Element Description Class
Needle A needle indicates a value on a scale. It is oriented radially, starting at the scale’s center and pointing to the scale’s current value. ArcScaleNeedleComponent
Range Bar A circular gauge’s range bar is a filled sector that always starts at a fixed value along a scale and extends to another value (the scale’s current value or another fixed value). ArcScaleRangeBarComponent
Marker A marker is a small shape (for example, a rhombus, an arrow) indicating the current value along a scale. ArcScaleMarkerComponent

The following image illustrates value indicators in the arc scale and properties that correspond to an indicator’s current values:


See the following topic for more information on these visual elements: Circular Gauge Elements.

#Linear Scale Indicators

A Linear scale includes the following indicator types:

Element Description Class
Level Bar A level bar is a visual element that associates its values with a specific scale. The level bar automatically fills a level along that scale, starting at the scale’s minimum value and extending to the scale’s current value. LinearScaleLevelComponent
Range Bar A range bar is a filled rectangle that represents a data range along a scale. The range bar starts at a certain fixed value along a scale and extends to the scale’s current value. LinearScaleRangeBarComponent
Marker A marker is a small shape (for example, a rhombus, an arrow) indicating the current value along a scale. LinearScaleMarkerComponent

The image below shows value indicators with specified properties that correspond to their current values in the linear scale.


See the following topic to learn more: Linear Gauge Elements.

See Also